woensdag 23 december 2020

Medicine in the next century.

Medicine in the next century will be built around certain major premises:

  1. Preventive medicine will be the goal, producing the attempt to keep the body in proper balanced order.
  2. Sound sanitation and the providing of healthy conditions will be regarded as essential.
  3. The supply of the right chemical properties to the physical body will be studied - a science of chemistry which is yet in its infancy, though it is becoming a flourishing infant.
  4. An understanding of the laws of vitality will be regarded as of prime importance, and of this the emphasis today on vitamins and the influence of the sun are wholesome indications.
  5. The use of the mind will be regarded, above everything else, as a factor of major importance; the mind will be seen as the prime influence as regards the centers, for people will be taught to work on their centers through mental power and thus produce a right reaction from the endocrine system. This will necessarily involve the right directing of thought to a center, or the withdrawal of attention from a center, with consequent effect upon the glandular system. This will all be based upon the occult law that "Energy follows thought."

Owing to the fact that disciples have a greater development of mental power than the average man, and also to the fact that ray type is more easily ascertained, involving consequently a more correct determination of the condition of the glandular system, they will be the first to cooperate with the medical profession and to demonstrate the relation of the centers to the glands, and therefore to the body as a whole. Through concentration and right meditation, carried on in the head center, and directed towards some one or other of the centers, disciples will demonstrate such definite changes in the ductless glands that the medical profession will be convinced of the importance and the factual existence of the centers and of their power, and also of the possibility of controlling the physical organism through the power of thought. This all lies in the future. I am but pointing the way and indicating a future technique whereby disease will be overcome. The various mental schools of thought, Unity and Christian Science, have been fantastic and fanciful in their claims and definitely unscientific in their approach. But they have had hold of at least one thread in the great process of right adjustment to life and to right relationships. They had the dream and the vision; they lacked perception and common sense and ignored the evolutionary process.

Physiological science and psychological power, plus the cooperation of the trained disciple with the trained medical man (particularly with the open-minded endocrinologist), will eventually succeed in solving many human ills and will bring about the cure of the bulk of the diseases now troubling humanity.

We have, therefore, studied to some purpose our first section: The Psychological Causes of Disease. We have carried the idea down from the inner and more subtle causes of disease to the major physical conditioning factor, the ductless glands. We can now briefly consider certain far more occult causes and deal with those which emanate from the group life of humanity and from the karmic liabilities of mankind. Here we shall enter the realm of occult knowledge and of esoteric information, and this will be far more difficult for the orthodox thinker to accept.

Source : http://www.light-weaver.com/LW-old/healing/heal1076.html

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