zondag 22 november 2020

The importance and some implication of a scientific investigation of the phenomenon of kundalini by Gopi Krishna

There are well-known and well-attested cases of individuals who, in trance or semitrance, bloom into great healers, clairvoyants, expounders of religious truths, prophesiers, oracles and the like. With voluntary cultivation there is no end to the possibilities of the metamorphosis. With better knowledge of the mechanism and discovery of the safer methods to activate it, the producs of kundalini can bloom into prodigies in every sphere of human knowledge, into geniuses of the highest order, into prophets, seers, healers, and clairvoyants of surpassing nature, beyond anything we can imagine at the present. They will be the leaders in every field of knowledge and activity in the future world.

The study can be divided into five broad parallel departments. The first of these woud consist of a thorough study of the oral and written tradition.

The second province of research would cover those cases in which kundalini is congenitally active. There are five categories of indivinduals belonging to this class – the born mystics, the man and woman of genius, the prodigies, the mediums and the psychotics.

The third province of research can be provided by born mystics, geniuses, mediums, and prodigies in whom kundalini is more or less active from birth.

The fourth province for study can be furnished by those in whom there occur an activation of the serpent power later in life without affecting the sanity of the mind.

The fifth and most important area of research would be provided by those cases who voluntarily offer themselves for the bold exploit of rousing the serpent power.

Source : https://www.bol.com/nl/p/kundalini-evolution-and-enlightenment/1001004001067521/?bltgh=jX302D80Rd9sGDEgJZdDRg.1_4.6.ProductPageUrl

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