donderdag 5 november 2020

Gabriel Gonsalves : Five Proven Ways to Remove the Heart-Wall.


Many people who initiate some kind of heart-centered meditation practice often experience physical pain around their chests. I believe this is due to what Dr. Bradley Nelson refers to as the ‘Heart-Wall,’ or the layer of trapped emotional energy surrounding your heart.

Coming home to your heart inevitably requires that you start releasing layer upon layer of emotional pain, which was not honored, allowed, or felt in the past…

When you were afraid but didn’t acknowledge it or gave yourself permission to feel the fear.

When someone hurt your feelings, and you just brushed it away or reasoned your way out of it.

When you felt angry, guilty, or ashamed about something but didn’t acknowledge your feelings.

When you numbed yourself by drinking alcohol, smoking pot, having sex, or binge-watching a Netflix show. 

Unconsciously, you built a defensive wall around your heart to protect you from what at the time seemed like an unfriendly world. The problem with this natural protection mechanism is that it is what today is keeping you from letting love in and experiencing the many benefits of having an open heart:

  • Improved physical, mental, and emotional health

  • Deeper, more loving relationships

  • Increased levels of financial abundance

  • Access to greater intuition and creativity

  • Feeling more connected to your Divinity

As a Heart Intelligence Coach, I’ve helped clients quit smoking, stop watching pornography, get sober, cease taking antidepressants, end toxic relationships, meet their soulmates, and re-invent themselves and their lives completely. All this, as a result of dissolving the layers of trapped emotional energies around their heart. 

If you’d like to experience some of these same benefits, here are 5 proven ways to dissolve the ‘Heart-Wall’:

1) Using the Emotion Code System

The Emotion Code, created by Dr. Bradley Nelson, is a gentle, non-invasive, and safe approach to remove the energy of trapped emotions using magnets. I love this work because you don’t have to spend hours talking about your pain or past traumatic events from your life. The healing takes place at the quantum level using your body’s own electromagnetism. You can learn the Emotion Code technique on your own or search for a certified practitioner in your area

2) Practicing the Prayer of the Heart

The Prayer of the Heart or Jesus Prayer is a powerful prayer that helps you surrender all the accumulated negative emotions around your heart to a Higher Power such as God, Jesus, Mother Mary, Archangels, Qwan Yin, Buddha, or the Ascended Masters. Repeating this prayer while focusing on your heart will open you to greater compassion and self-forgiveness, creating the conditions for deep emotional healing to take place. 

3) Chanting High Calibrating Mantras

Thanks to the science of Cymatic, there’s now growing evidence of the healing effect that higher vibrational sound frequencies have on the human body. Singing or chanting highly calibrated mantras or simply being exposed to them can help dissolve past hurts and old emotional wounds from your heart. This is the reason I’m now holding a monthly Medicine for the Heart‘ Sacred Song Circle on the last Sunday of each month.  

4) Joining a Heart Circle

A heart circle is a group process that uses Tej Steiner’s Heart Circle Format to create a safe and nurturing environment that facilitates greater emotional connection and healing. Since learning how to facilitate Heart Circles back in 2011, I’ve now incorporated this facilitating style and use it in all my group programs and live seminars. 

5) Heart-Tapping

This uniquely soft approach to dissolving the ‘Heart-Wall’ blends some of the elements of the ‘Emotion Code,’ E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Technique), Heart Coherence, Prayer, and Applied Kinesiology tools. This technique emerged organically as I started combining several energy healing modalities with my private clients and in group seminars with great success.

The ‘Opening the Heart’ Online Weekend Retreat taking place this coming weekend November 7-8 is my invitation to practice these five ways of dissolving the Heart-Wall and start releasing the blocks that keep us from opening fully to a greater love.

To learn more about this online weekend retreat or to register, please visit the following link: 

Learn More about the ‘Opening the Heart’ Online Retreat

I'd love for you to join us!

From my heart to yours,

Gabriel Gonsalves

Gabriel Gonsalves

Heart Intelligence Coach, Trainer, and Speaker

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