woensdag 7 oktober 2020

The Pleiadians : Bringers of the dawn : A NEW PARADIGM OF LIFE (by Barbara Marciniak).

Who are the Bringers of the Dawn, and what is their role? The Bringers of the Dawn are those who carry the rays of the sun and bring light and knowledge. They have an ancient organization, an ancient society, an ancient spiritual bonding that keeps them doing certain work within a certain star system. You are members of the Bringers of the Dawn; otherwise you would not be drawn to this book. The members of this elite organization come to Earth at different times to do their work. This occurs when a cycle has been set and events are perfect for them to allow the energy from the high cosmos and the energy from Earth to merge within their own beings.

The energies from the cosmos are always coming to Earth, and the energies from Earth are always lifting up toward the cosmos. Humanity creates the sacred bridge between Earth and sky, which some have called the rainbow bridge. The Bringers of the Dawn allow these energies to merge so that the dawn, or the light, is awakened within them. They then bring that dawn to civilizations. This is who you are. This is what you are doing. So are multitudes of others. You are the Bringers of the Dawn.

As Bringers of the Dawn, there is a certain stance that will facilitate the commitment you have made. This stance is one of allowing and moving out of self-indulgence and the discounting of your experiences. For the Bringers of the Dawn, each link makes up the whole, no matter how it is constructed, no matter what strength or weakness it has, and no matter how big or small its role. Strength or weakness or influence are not necessarily to be compared; they are simply the stance that consciousness, in its own dance of reality, chooses to focus upon.

We teach you about yourselves and assist you in unlocking what is inside of you, not what is outside of you. As Bringers of the Dawn, you are in your darkest hour before the dawn, when you may wonder if there is going to be a ray of light. Then, almost instantly, the light will begin to show from nowhere. Where will it come from? How will it change your thinking? How is existence as dark as it can be one moment, and then the next instant there is light? As Bringers of the Dawn, you will that light to dawn. You were trained for this; it is your forte.

You, the Bringers of the Dawn, also known as the Family of Light, agreed to go through the process of mutation to evolve yourselves into higher beings by intention and conscious agreement. You bring light back to the planet, bring about the new evolution of humanity, and make the cosmic evolutionary leap in awareness and intelligence possible by anchoring the frequency first inside your own bodies and living it.

The Family of Light comes from a central place of operation-a source within this universe that acts as a broadcast station. There are central suns within your galactic system and a central sun within this universe. The Mayans named this central sun Alcyone. Others know it by other names. The sun has light, and light has information. To make this very simplistic, members of the Family of Light come from a place that is the central storehouse of information for the universe.

You cycle or spiral out from this central sun and carry the information from it throughout the various systems in this universe; you plot, plan, and travel. You are very unique in this regard, and you know it. You know when you look at the population that you are very different. You love rabble-rousing, and you love to bust systems open. When something says, "No Trespassing," it is for everyone else and not for you. You go wherever anything is shut down so that you can open it up. You operate by separating yourselves into many multidimensional identities and then going into systems to change them.

You sometimes incarnate in these systems for hundreds of thousands of years in preparation for the time when you may be called on to bust the systems.
You have a resume to back you. For example, you incarnate on Earth a number of times soy that if the call goes out that Earth is going to be busted open and the paradigm is going to be shifted, you can say, "I have been there 247 times, in this many varieties, and once I was able to ascend my body. I did this, this, and this. If I go in for this game plan to bust the system, I am certain that I can refresh my memories, pull them up, defy the laws, and complete the assignment."

Sometimes it doesn't happen and the plan has to be aborted for some reason. That is a very frustrating experience for you. However, when all goes according to plan and you succeed in busting the system and creating a new paradigm of light, it is like a cosmic orgasm to you.

Members of the Bringers of the Dawn or the Family of Light work in teams. You don't go into systems alone. You need each other to do this work because you cannot hold the frequency by yourself. By going in as teams, you increase the odds of successfully carrying out the plan. You are like rays and light spirals of the central sun that are very intelligent, and you are guided by a great intelligence inside the central sun.

Light is a kingdom of consciousness, and it has a purpose in existence. The story we tell you today is a story that you can comprehend. Every time we speak to humans and you comprehend more, we give you more. We do not want you to think that light is more noble than anything else. Something in the essence of your soul connects you to this light source and drives you to this profession, but it does not make this profession better than any other profession. There are others who have different sources and spiral out with different intentions, and they make the ballgame possible. You are learning about this.

The Pleiadians through the beautiful Barbara Marciniak

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