zaterdag 5 september 2020

Twin soul ascension report: Deep shifts taking place for all 144000 1st wavers

We would like to Take this opportunity to remind you all that 2020 is the year of disclosure. 2020 is the year All previously hidden technologies Will be released to humanity. These are technologies that have been reverse-engineered From off-planet Ships and beings, And these are technologies that have been hidden in secret by the old archaic powers that were- whose time is now well and truly up.There is not one soul who has committed atrocities to humanity particularly children who will not receive the highest retributions For the vast levels of trauma they have inflicted on the innocent. The time of disclosure is most definitely a double-edged sword as we expressed in our last Ascension report - humanity is about to be exposed to information that has the capacity to traumatise even the most grounded and hardiest of Souls, there is nothing that can be done about this - this is all part of the healing of the third dimension- that which caused horrific suffering is now ending and in this ending, all that was in the shadow is being brought into the light.


The Divine feminine has truly remembered that she is stabilised in the zero point field of consciousness, the point of no time and the point where all timelines converge in the present moment of now.The Divine feminine has awoken from the nightmare that somehow she is not fulfilling her mission if she is not in physical Union with her twin soul and she has realised that nothing could be further from the truth - the Divine feminine is on her mission in an extraordinarily inspirational way, and she is exuding her radiance far and wide for all to see.

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