vrijdag 28 augustus 2020

Dalai Lama : The Need for Secular Ethics in Modern Education.

“For thousands of years, Indians have explored and trained the mind through calm abiding and analytical meditation. Modern education, which originated in the West, includes no understanding of how to tackle our emotions. Consequently, highly educated people have been involved in the design and manufacture of increasingly sophisticated weapons, including nuclear weapons. These inventions have required intelligence and technical ingenuity, but their production is completely devoid of moral scruples. The principles of compassion and non-harming are not involved.

“In such cases, instead of bringing about inner peace, the brilliant human mind has invoked the destructive emotions of anger, fear and anxiety. Today, just as everyone observes physical hygiene, there is a corresponding need for emotional hygiene, and we can find instructions about that in ancient Indian tradition. That’s why I believe India is especially well-placed to combine modern, materialistic education with non-violence and compassion.

“In the last century, Mahatma Gandhi sincerely pursued the path of non-violence and in due course many people across the world followed his example. In Africa, there was Nelson Mandela and in America, Martin Luther King. In fact, Martin Luther King’s wife told me he was so impressed by Mahatma Gandhi that he even wanted to dress like him.

“Here in the 21st century, we should try to promote ancient Indian knowledge of non-violence and compassion and combine it with modern education.”

His Holiness mentioned that he is bound by four commitments. As a human being, one of the seven billion alive today, he recognises that, whether we have a religious faith or not, we all need peace of mind. And that is the basis on which humanity can become happier, more peaceful, less fearful, which in turn is the basis for genuine world peace.

“In such cases, instead of bringing about inner peace, the brilliant human mind has invoked the destructive emotions of anger, fear and anxiety. Today, just as everyone observes physical hygiene, there is a corresponding need for emotional hygiene, and we can find instructions about that in ancient Indian tradition. That’s why I believe India is especially well-placed to combine modern, materialistic education with non-violence and compassion.

His Holiness observed that in a democracy faith is a matter of personal choice. “If you’re inclined to follow a theistic path like Christianity or Islam that’s personal decision. And if you feel more comfortable in a non-theistic Buddhist or Jain context, that’s up to you too. Whatever religious path you follow, it ought to help you transform your emotions and help you cultivate warm-heartedness. 

In relation to the Covid-19 pandemic His Holiness expressed his appreciation of all those doctors and nurses who are caring for the sick, often at risk to themselves. While encouraging those who are conducting different kinds of research into remedies for the virus, he suggested that Ayurveda, Yunani, yoga, as well as the Tibetan and Chinese medical traditions, may have something to contribute too.

Naveen Sharma thanked His Holiness for talking with the group and expressed the hope that the educators had benefited from the interaction.

His Holiness’s concluding advice was that there is always room to learn more. Masters of the Nalanda Tradition never stopped investigating, analysing and extending their knowledge. He asserted that although it’s good to be contented with material things, there need be no such limit with regard to deepening your understanding.

Source : https://www.dalailama.com/news/2020/the-need-for-secular-ethics-in-modern-education

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