zaterdag 4 juli 2020

Rosaries for a real change in world politics for the better of humanity.

A variation of the Infinite Light Invocation specifically to invoke light into the economy, the political situation, conflict and the potential for war. 

© Kim Michaels 2012 and beyond. Reading the book : "How You Can Help Change The World."
More to life publishing.

For our team

Archangel Michael,  I am willing to experience your Flaming Presence so that I can know that our energies can protect myself and all constructive people from fear-based energies.

Archangel Michael, place a shield of blue-flame protection around my four lower bodies and those of all constructive people. Seal us from fear-based energies and the people or forces using such energies to block our Divine Plans.

Archangel Michael,
Light so blue,
My heart has only room for you
My mind is one, no longer two,
your love for me is ever true

Archangel Michael, you are here
all one with reality
No fear can hold me as I see,
This world no power has over me

Archangel Michael, you are here,
your light consumes all doubt and fear 
Your presence is forever near,
you are to me so very dear.

Archangel Michael, consume all fear-based energies that create
a downward spiral of conflicts between various groups of people,
even nations

Archange Michael,
chatter now the darkest night
Clear my chakra's with your light,
Restore to me my inner sight

Archangel Michael,
You are here,
Your light consumes all doubt and fear.
Your Presence is forever near,

you are to me so very dear.

Archangel Michael, consume all fear-based energies that block communication, understanding and mutual respect among people.

Archangel Michael, consume all fear-based energies that create downward spirals of war. Consume the energetic records of all past wars.

Thank you

Thank you Michael

Kristo(f) Gabriel

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