woensdag 22 juli 2020

Bringers of the dawn : Barbara Marciniak and the Pleiadians.

Many things that make no sense to the logical mind make a tremendous amount of sense to the light-encoded filaments and to the body as it is becoming more sensitive.
There are those who would say that this is a very inefficient system and that it is not a natural flow. But this system of twelve is the flow that this planet was adjusted to. In actuality, if you, look, you are a system of thirteen. How many times a year does the moon come full? Thirteen. The system of thirteen will come. You will open to it soon because you will move past time. The energy of thirteen moves beyond logic and beyond the forced system.
Now, as we have indicated, the Family of Light has come onto the planet to receive energy from the Original Planners. This energy will create a genetic alteration and reactivate and rebundle the light-encoded filaments. The filaments will make up the twelve - helix system that can move the body into activation. This will make human beings very valuable because they will then be ready to be used to access the data that is stored in Earth.
What is this data that is so important? It is disguised in insects and flowers and pigs and donkey tails and rabbit ears and all kinds of things, and it is for you to discover. We want to emphasize that when the data was stored in the twelve libraries, it was stored in many different layers. When you came into the libraries, there were different codes of clearance. In other words, there were many different ways of entering the libraries.
You could not just walk in and say,
"I have free clearance to receive all of this information."
Just as there is now security clearance within your government, so the libraries holding this information had security systems.

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