maandag 29 juni 2020

The Indigo Evolution Full Length Documentary Indigo children

Indigo Children 

Highly psychic and spiritually advanced children who have been incarnating over the last few decades to help establish The Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment on Earth. Many of the Indigos have had a tough time adjusting to Earth life and have been misdiagnosed as Bi-Polar, Manic Depressive, Obsessive Compulsive, Schizophrenic, Delusional, or mentally ill in any number of ways. The Indigos are not mentally ill, just highly advanced beings that often have a tough time “fitting in” and “adjusting” to Earth society. The salvation for these “lost” Indigos is to reject what doctors and society have “labeled” them, own their Indigo status fully and completely, and immerse themselves in helping the Earth transition into The Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment! 

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