zaterdag 27 juni 2020

NIKOLA TESLA documentary 2015 - BEST Documentary about TESLA !

Nikola Tesla 

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was a Starseed and Earth’s greatest inventor. He registered over 1,000 U.S. patents in his lifetime. Tesla’s ideas created or helped to create: alternating current, power generators, radio, television, radar, and all wireless communications that we have in our modern age. Tesla was a man a thousand years ahead of his time. In 1904 Tesla invented a perfect system of Unlimited Clean Free Energy that would have put Power Companies out of business by reducing everyone’s Power bill to zero. The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance secretly own and control the Power Industry and saw Tesla as a major threat throughout his life and did everything in their power to block, suppress, debunk, steal, pervert, and ridicule Tesla’s ideas, inventions, and patents. Because of this, Tesla’s name, work, and genius are scarcely known today. But Tesla’s life was not in vain. Several of Our members will be “called” inwardly and outwardly to study, understand, resurrect, and implement all the suppressed patents and inventions of Nikola Tesla, thereby fulfilling the prophesy of Tesla himself who said, “The present is Theirs. The future is Mine.”

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