donderdag 30 april 2020

Rabbi Gabriel Cousens Free Info For Health and Holistic Liberation.

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, I released my 19-page update on COVID-19 (I like metaphors!). The reason I write so extensively, besides the way my brain is designed (I think in chapters not in soundbites), is to empower you with real support and information that you can share with your own circles in ways they can most hear.

For convenience, here’s a brief bullet point summary, as well, which is documented in-depth in the 19-page article.

  • COVID-19 is a weaponized virus that came out of the Wuhan DSL-4, either accidentally or deliberately, as has now been stated by US intelligence and government.

  • This virus is programmed for high infectivity and mild to moderate lethality. The lethality ranges from .05% to 1%, and, in my intuitive opinion in looking at the myriad overall (and questionable) data, at least 3-fold higher and as much as 10-fold higher. It remains less lethal than SARS and Ebola (for which we never had shutdowns or fear based PSYOPs).

  • Fear weakens the immune system and spirit on every level. I write these articles to help people lower their fear.

  • Research shows no significant statistical difference between areas, cities, states, and countries that are shutdown or not shutdown, in terms of COVID-19’s infectivity and lethality. This is highlighted by the two ER doctors from Bakersfield, CA, as well as other world-recognized leading virologists noted in my longer article.

  • Scientific research notes that the bad outcomes of shutting down, including UN estimates of 30-130 million people starving to death (particularly in the third world), increased suicides (800,000 for every 12% of the recently unemployed population in the US), depression, anxiety, and increased child and spousal abuse. This collateral damage is far more devastating than the present 220,000 people who have died from COVID-19.

  • Contrary to the mainstream media’s insistence that there is no cure for COVID-19, there seem to be cures involving hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine and azithromycin combinations (with recent research strongly validating effectiveness and safety for the last 70 years and currently), ozone therapy, variations of heat therapy, intravenous vitamin C therapy, and a pharmaceutical called remdesivir.

  • My protocol, as listed in my newsletter, has a high level of preventative effectiveness and symptom amelioration for those infected.

  • The epidemiological evidence shows that 99% of those who have died have 1 or more comorbidity factors – mainly high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes, obesity, cancer, and heart disease. Fifty percent of those who’ve died have 3 comorbidities.

  • It is important understand that, at any age, if you’re healthy, your chances of contracting coronavirus or dying from COVID-19 are greatly minimized. I say this because the disease fear is a significant source of anxiety and fear for those over the age of 60. At any age, if you follow the lifestyle and protection protocol and maintain your general health, your chances of becoming infected or dying are significantly minimized.

  • Vaccines, which have never worked better than 10-30% from any sort of influenza coronavirus infection, are not and never will be any sort of solution to this pandemic, and research shows, the more you flu vaccinations one has had, the greater the risk of infection (to be discussed in detail in my next newsletter). Last night at the Arizona state-recognized holistic medical board AHIMA meeting (Arizona Homeopathic and Integrative Medical Association, of which I’ve been a member since 1987 and am currently vice-president) all these medical doctors agreed about the potential dangers of a COVID-19 vaccine, including the commonsense awareness that you can’t create a vaccine for an ever-mutating virus of which we already have over 50 documented mutations.

  • It is important to use this time for spiritual inspiration toward a higher octave of healthier lifestyle in general to protect against all disease and potentially further waves of biological pandemic.

  • Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I’m encouraging more meditation to activate the non-causal love, peace, bliss, and oneness with God. We’re being given a unique gift to uplift our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual joy and connection with God… Let’s take advantage of it!

Blessings to your health, wellness, and spiritual growth,
Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H), ND(HC), DD

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