zaterdag 15 februari 2020

The Two Truths (Dutch / English)

Dit is niet nirvana, maar een toestand die er dichtbij komt. Vandaar het verschil van opvatting. De yogachara’s (van de mahayana-school) zeggen dus dat alaya de verpersoonlijking van de leegte is, en dat alaya (nying-po en tsang in het Tibetaans) niettemin de basis is van alles wat zichtbaar en onzichtbaar is, en dat hij – hoewel hij in essentie eeuwig en onveranderlijk is – zichzelf weerspiegelt in elk voorwerp van het heelal ‘zoals de maan in helder stil water’. Andere scholen bestrijden deze uitspraak. Hetzelfde geldt voor paramartha: de yogachara’s vatten deze term op als ‘dat wat ook afhankelijk is van andere dingen’ (paratantra), en de madhyamika’s zeggen dat paramartha alleen wordt gebruikt voor parinishpanna of de absolute volmaaktheid. Met andere woorden, bij het uiteenzetten van deze ‘twee waarheden’ (van de vier) geloven en beweren eerstgenoemden dat (in ieder geval op dit gebied) er alleen samvritisatya, of relatieve waarheid, bestaat, terwijl laatstgenoemden het bestaan onderwijzen van paramarthasatya17, de ‘absolute waarheid’. ‘Geen arhat, o bedelmonniken, kan absolute kennis bereiken vóór hij één wordt met paranirvana. Zijn twee grote vijanden zijn parikalpita en paratantra’.18 Parikalpita (in het Tibetaans kun-tag) is de vergissing die door degenen wordt gemaakt die niet in staat zijn de leegte en de bedrieglijke aard van alles in te zien, en die dus geloven dat iets bestaat terwijl het niet bestaat, bijvoorbeeld het niet-ego.

Bron :

Relative Truth which expresses itself as conventional, normal wisdom,
is not absolute Truth.

Said Buddha: "No Arhat, oh mendicant, can reach absolute knowledge before he becomes one with Paranirvana. Parakalpita and Paratantra are his two great enemies." Parakalpita is error, made by those unable to realize the emptiness and illusionary nature of all; who believe something to exist which does not -- e.g., the Non-Ego. Paratantra is that, whatever it is, which exists only through a dependent or causal connection, and which has to disappear as soon as the cause from which it proceeds is removed -- e.g., the light of a wick. Destroy or extinguish it, and light disappears. One feels a serious doubt whether, with all its intellectual acuteness, our age is destined to discover in each Western nation even one solitary, uninitiated scholar or philosopher capable of fully comprehending the spirit of archaic philosophy. Nor can one be expected to, before the real meaning of these terms, the alpha and omega of our Eastern esotericism, the words Sat and Asat -- so freely used in the Rig-Veda and elsewhere -- is thoroughly assimilated. Without this key to the Aryan wisdom, the cosmogony of the Rishis and the Arhats is in danger of remaining a dead letter to the average orientalist. Asat is not merely the negation of Sat, nor is it the "not yet existing"; for Sat is in itself neither the "Existent" or "being." SAT is immutable, the ever present, changeless and eternal root, from and through which all proceeds. But it is far more than the potential force in the seed which propels onward the process of development, or what is now called evolution. It is the ever-becoming, though the never-manifesting. Sat is born from Asat, and Asat is begotten by Sat: the perpetual motion in a circle, truly; yet a circle that can be squared only at the supreme Initiation, at the threshold of Paranirvana.

Source : 

Om Tat Sat

Madame Blavatsky Madame Blavatsky was the greatest psychic of the 19th century and an early “messenger” of The Great White Lodge.

The Spiritual Hierarchy functions as the spiritual government. It is NOT a government like those in any country on earth but holds to the best and highest ideals which comprise the inspiration behind all forms of government. 

(*) Aryan means noble. This has nothing to do with the misuse of the term by the nazi's. Jewish people are - in my humble opinion - noble people.

The same goes on with the Swastika,
which was a misuse by the nazi's :

"For the people who went through the Holocaust, we will always remember what the swastika was like in our life - a symbol of pure evil," he says.
"We didn't know how the symbol dates back so many thousands of years ago. But I think it's interesting for people to learn that the swastika was not always the symbol of fascism."
In other words, in explaining these "two truths" (out of the four noble truths), the former believe and assert that (at least in this area) there exists only samvritisatya, or relative truth, while the latter teach the existence of paramarthasatya, the "absolute truth."

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