vrijdag 14 februari 2020

Saturday prayer for Peace.

Archangel Michael,
Manifest your Presence in all four octaves and bind and consume the demons and fallen beings who promote the illusion that it is necessary to spend so much money on the military when millions of people are starving and two-thirds of the world's population live beneath the poverty level.

Archangel Michael,
consume the demons and the fallen beings in all four octaves who are behind all paranoid dictatorships in the world today.

Archangel Michael,
I hereby look at those beings in the warrior mentality and the authority of the Christ within me, I say : "You have no more place on this planet. Your warrior mentality has no more place on this planet. You must either abandon it of find some other planet for I will no longer allow this one to be destroyed or to live in constant fear because of your war games. Enough of the war games. Enough of the war. Enough of the warriors."


Archangel Michael,
I call forth the judgment of (all) Christ(ed) beings upon the people who are committing or planning war or aggression for material gain.

Archangel Michael,
I call forth the judgment of (all) Christ(ed) beings upon the demons and fallen beings in the astral plane who are behind warfare for physical plunder. I command you to remove these beings from earth.

Archangel Michael,
I call forth the judgement of (all) Christ(ed) beings upon the military-industrial complex and the corporations who make money on war.

Archangel Michael,
I call forth the judgement of (all) Christ(ed) beings upon the defence industry. I call for the exposure of its political power through job creation, corruption and lobbying.

Archangel Michael,
I call forth the judgment upon the fallen beings and demons in the three higher octaves who are behind the defence industry. I command you to remove these beings from earth.

Archangel Michael,
I call forth the judgment of (all) Christ(ed) beings upon the fallen beings and demons in the three higher octaves who are behind the war industry and who induce the never-ending desire for greater profits. I command you to remove these beings from earth.

Archangel Michael,
I call forth the judgment of (all) Christ(ed) beings upon the military-industrial complex and the strategy of developing a seemingly ultimate weapon while hiding its counter measure.
Archangel Michael,
I call forth the judgement of (all) Christ(ed) beings upon the fallen beings who are trapped in the insatiable desire for power, expressed as the quest for a higher civilization, a Utopia, based on centralized control. I demand that these beings be removed from the earth. 

And so it is.

Thank you G'd and the Archangelic Host.

Keep in Heart : With G'd everything is possible. 


Kristo(f) Gabriel

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