maandag 17 februari 2020

Invocations and rosaries by the Archangelic Host.

Saint Germain, awaken the people to the reality that the ascended masters are NOT elitists.

Poverty is possibly hatred against the Ma-ter (Mother) energy.

May this be restored with help from G'd, the Avatars, Boddhisattva's, Buddha's, Arhats, the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, and all saintly people.

I call for the Judgement of All 10 000 Christ(ed) Beings in ALL dimensions upon the forces that attacked us because we want to stop war and end poverty for the human race.

May these demonic forces be removed from the Earth plane and the Identity realm.

Please remove all fanatical, insane behavior from all people in my circle of influence and remind them that demonic forces sometimes us people in our own environment for their own benefit.

May all be sealed by the Light of G'd's invincible POWER so that we are out of reach of these demonic entities.

As the Buddha said against Mara's demons :

"You are NOT Me".

May all people in my circle of influence wake up that they have been manipulated by dark forces.

Even some bankers and royals have been used by very dark entities to start wars etcetera.
May these beings realise that they have been pawns in the game of demonic / luciferian entities.

The same happened with Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Marx
They had no real power,
They were only puppets of  demonic, satanic and luciferian entities
Many bankers have been used themselves by luciferian entities.
The same goes on with many royals.
May they awaken to this fact.

Thank you G'd.

And so it is.

(Research Sri Aurobindo studies for info on this : the fact that hitler was only a puppet of a demon. 

He had NO real power.)

Saint Germain, I say with you and all ascended masters that we are going to completely and utterly eradicate poverty and war from planet earth and the evil forces within the elite that uphold poverty and war.

Lord Shiva, bind and consume all demons in all octaves and shield all constructive people in my circle of influence from any attack from the forces of darkness.


Thank you.

A Golden Age is given birth.

Being poor is not G'd's plan.

May humanity awaken to the fact that they can have wealth without being sucked into the vortex of the beast of materialism.

And so it is.


Kristo Gabriel

This might help :
By reciting these prayers in verses Men, women, brahmins, and royals Who praise the conquerors with folded hands, Will remember their births in all lives. They will have bodies adorned with all limbs and senses, And be endowed with myriad merits and virtues. The lord of humans will always venerate them. Such will they be in each place of birth. Those into whose ears this confession enters, Have performed virtue in the presence of not just one buddha, Not two, nor four, nor five, nor ten, Nor in the presence of thousand buddhas have they performed virtue. ~ The King of Glorious Sutras called the. Exalted Sublime Golden Light.

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