zondag 2 februari 2020

Good News : Church of St Magdalene / Madeleine (Bruges) / Twin soul energy report: Alliance has won: 2020 year of disclosure.



Madeline is an English form of Magdalene. Magdalene originates in Hebrew language and means "woman from Magdala". It is derived from the name of Jesus's most celebrated and most important woman disciple, Mary Magdalene. 


Further, the comment by Jesus in the Second Discourse, 'Though they punished me, I did not die in actuality (hen outajro) but only in appearance (hem petouoneh)' (55,16-19), may recall classic formulations of docetic views of the crucifixion and even the position of the Qur'an, which states in Sura 4 that the opponents of 'Isa - Jesus - did not kill him for sure, but 'he was made to resemble another for them' or 'they thought they did.'" (The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, p. 475)


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