vrijdag 14 februari 2020

Dr Gabriel Cousens : Corona Virus is easily treatable.

Dear Friends,

The coronavirus epidemic has a very ominous quality. Although we don’t have all the data, it does seem, for the average person, that the death rate is between 15%-18%, which is much higher than the Spanish Flu of 1918.

Research from the Lancet is saying that the incubation period may be as much as 24 days. In the U.S. they are only holding people for 14 days. In China, there are as many as 400 million people under quarantine, which is more than the population of the U.S. and the U.K. combined.

Some world health experts are predicting that over 60% of the global population will eventually become infected. Although we’re not really getting all the information as it is unfolding in a larger way, it’s not unreasonable to think that most of us will be exposed to the coronavirus over time.

The good news is that between using the protocol that I’ve shared and people maintaining good health, the chances of dying from the coronavirus drop from 15%-18% to maybe less than 1%. We can’t guarantee that good health and these protocols offer 100% protection, but I think it’s likely that these steps will be 99% prophylactic.

Let's use this situation to improve our overall health habits and wellbeing by:

3)   Minimizing stress.
5)   Associating with loving people.
6)   Exercising moderately.
9) Utilizing my Wuhan Coronavirus Protection Protocol.

The healthier you are and the more proactive steps you take, you minimize your chances of catching and/or dying from the coronavirus. 

To protect and enhance our natural immunity, here is my current Wuhan Coronavirus Protection Protocol:

Illumodine - 20 drops in a glass of water 3 times daily (15 minutes or more away from food) (Iodine has been shown to destroy SARS and MRSA viruses and, in its atomic form [Illumodine] is probably the most powerful antiviral on the planet.)
Nano Silver - 1 teaspoon twice daily (Nano Silver has been shown to destroy SARS and MRSA viruses.)
Red Algae - 2 capsules twice daily such as on waking and bedtime (away from food)

*Illumodine, Nano Silver, and Red Algae are the top 3 antivirals.*

Mega Defense - 4 capsules twice daily (for building and protecting the immune system)
Antioxidant Extreme - 2 capsules twice daily
Licorice Root - take as tea or tincture once daily (for lung protection)
Vitamin D - 2,000 IU daily (for building the immune system)
Vitamin A - 25,000 IU daily (for protecting our upper respiratory mucus membranes and lining)
Vitamin C - as much as you can take before diarrhea

Blessings to your health and wellbeing, 
Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H), ND(hc), DD

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