woensdag 29 januari 2020

‘This Is Not a Peace Plan, It Is a War Plan’: Trump-Netanyahu Deal Decried as Shameful Attack on Palestinian Rights.

“This is a political ploy by both leaders to distract from their abuse of power, designed to help Netanyahu win the election in less than six weeks,” Emily Meyer, co-founder of Jewish progressive group If Not Now, said in a statement. “The plan itself is a plan for permanent Israeli military occupation and control, not a plan for peace. It is simply a continuation of Trump’s strategy since entering office: to disenfranchise Palestinians and deny their rights, their agency, and even their identity.”
Rabbi Alissa Wise, a top advocate with Jewish Voice for Peace, a grassroots organization advocating for human rights for Israelis and Palestinians, called it “an apartheid plan”.
This made me think about this :
New World Order 

The New World Order has been in the works for many years. The New World Order is the ultimate plan of The Dark Lodge, The Illuminati, and The Secret Government for complete global control. Under the false guise of “Peace” and “Global Unification,” The New World Order is really designed and meant to be an invisible prison where the citizens of Earth are slaves, pawns, and puppets of the evil New World Order hierarchy. Only God’s Army will be able to put a stop to the malevolent plans of The New World Order—and that God’s Army will do in the great battle of Armageddon (Translation : Revelation)!
David Icke 

David Icke is a leading Author/Lecturer that does a great job exposing the Global Conspiracy/ Illuminati/Secret Government alliance. David Icke is fully aligned with God and Spirit and The Great White Lodge fully endorses David Icke’s books, videos, lectures, and website www.davidicke.com. Watch a great interview with David Icke at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4UyEUldOLQ
Shared by Kristo(f) Gabriel

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