donderdag 30 januari 2020


Kristo(f) Gabriel van Hooymissen : Tibetan Studies & The Kundalini Clinic : A Vision for the Future.
Quatrain 10,75 
Long awaited he will never return
In Europe, he will appear in Asia:
One of the league issued from the great Hermes,
And he will grow over all the Kings of the East.


Astral Headquarters of The Great White Lodge on Earth. Accessed through a secret astral doorway in The Gobi Desert. Over the centuries countless seekers, priests, monks, adepts, lamas, occultists, scholars, military spies, authors, adventurers, and curiosity seekers alike have tried to find the hidden astral doorway which leads to Shamballa. Those whose light quotient and motives were sufficiently high enough were spiritually guided to the astral doorway by the Knights of Shamballa. Those whose light quotient and motives were low, evil, or materialistic were mislead and misdirected from finding the astral doorway by the Knights of Shamballa in the same manner. To give you some idea just how difficult it is to find and enter the astral doorway which leads to Shamballa, Lord Maitreya has stated, “For every two thousand souls who seek Shamballa, only one finds it.”

Lord Maitreya

Cosmic Avatar. King of Shamballa. Head of The Great White Lodge on Earth. Secret Teacher and Guide to Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Moses, Mohammed, Zoroaster, Lao-tzu, Confucius, and many others. Lord Maitreya is an ageless and deathless Avatar who wields the power of God and ministers God’s will in all things. A being of incredible power and grace. You may call upon Lord Maitreya for help, guidance, protection, and training, and he will surely do everything within his power, control, and jurisdiction to help you. His name is pronounced: my-tray-a

Thanks to Michael HE Keuppens-de Vel for the website mentioned below :

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