woensdag 29 januari 2020

Barbara Marciniak & The Pleiadians. #Wisdom


When we first mentioned this to Maaike, she was grossed out and simultaneously highly amused by visualizing herself putting an image of her teacher Barbara Hand Clow’s decaying body on the wall one day. Do you think that’s disgusting? Good! Now ask yourself why you are doing this with Jesus!

It is time for you to wake up and shake off the weight of the cross. You have been fooled by the patriarchy and the church, and it is high time you see through the lies and take back your freedom and your power. We Pleiadians do not say that you should not worship Christ or his teachings. What we want you to do, is see the real Christ and strip away the lies that the church and patriarchs have imposed on you. Forget about the cross! It is time that you realize that, just as Christ, you are divine beings who have the freedom and power to create peace and harmony. You are capable of being deeply spiritual and you are able to let your consciousness grow and develop. You can be like Christ, and no nails shall have to be hammered through your hands and feet in order for you to attain this!”

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