maandag 30 december 2019

The Real Revolution - When We Love Eachother & Swami Yukteswar on The Unity of all faiths.

The Real Revolution - We Love Each Other - David Icke

Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri

Guru of Paramhansa Yogananda

Incarnation of Wisdom

The Holy Science

By Sri Yukteswar, written at the request of Babaji
“The purpose of this book is to show as clearly as possible that there is an essential unity in all religions; that there is no difference in the truths inculcated by the various faiths; that there is but one method by which the world, both external and internal, has evolved; and that there is but one Goal admitted by all scriptures.”The Holy Science by Sri Yukteswar
In this book Sri Yukteswar also describes a recurring cycle of human development, called the cycle of the yugas, or ages, which are mentioned in Hindu scriptures.

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