zaterdag 28 december 2019

The evolution of consciousness : from trauma towards truth and love.

If there is information stored in the body or consciousness where fear, neglect, trauma, sorrow or the experience of separation has happened; this consciousness, energy and restrictive type pressure is stored in different areas of the body also known as subconscious energy.
When someone goes through therapy, the 12 step process, spiritual enlightenment or powerful self-actualization in reference to that event a transfer of truth and love happens within that area and pressure is released from that location or locations in the body through the CNS and it generates the experience of crying. Crying is consciousness experiencing evolutionary development and the release of pressure in the body.
Because an individual is contained within time and space here on Earth and there is consciousness and energy everywhere when pressure is released from the body through healing it introduces more love from the Higgs field into the living organism and the evolution of love happens in the consciousness or body. This description is a powerful illustration of the existence of the Higgs field here and the evolutionary development of consciousness in Earth’s environment.
Sean McCleary.
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Never stop believing in the best for yourself and others.
Never give up.

K. Gabriel

P.S. For those still recovering :

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