dinsdag 31 december 2019

May 2020 bring prosperity, joy, good luck, love, succes and fullfilment of the soul's purpose for all Bhakti Yogi's and for the human race.

Whilst everyone is still sleeping in my blessed country Belgium, I secretly start the day with meditation.

The Gayitri mantra blesses all of humanity, so I think it is a good one to start with.

Next to that I wish to do some more bhakti yoga with the Maha Mantra and the meditations from Michael Sealy are also very benevolent help for humanity.

For 2020 I choose the meditation from Michael that takes away the fear of succes for all of our fellow human beings.

My soul is filled with Love, Light, Compassion, Gratitute and Good Luck,

Blessing you all and wishing you all a very lucky 2020 from the bottom of my Heart and Soul.

Happy New Year.

I also recommend the Sutra of the Golden Light for Everyone on the planet.

This mantra was recommended by Master Tsong Kha Pa from Tibet in His beautiful book full of divine wisdom The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment.

May all of your divine soul's divine purpose be fulfilled,

Kristo(f) Gabriel


My faith in G'd (Prime Creator) has only become stronger with the start of this New Year 2020. 

With faith in G'd, anything is possible. May you see all of your dreams come true, dear humanity.

 I wish a loving soulmate for every living being on the planet, if this is possible within the limits of karma.
Only G'd knows what is best for our hearts and souls.
May G'd and His team of angels help everyone wherever possible. 

May all sentient beings be released from suffering.

I set an intention for the expression of more gratitude, loving-kindness love and compassion in this New Year.


K. Gabriel

My very soul invokes all (Arch)angels, buddha's, boddhisattva's, Ascended Masters, real guru's, teachers and Avatars in the universe to rise and collectively help the human race evolve to a better condition of living for more good luck and abundance for everyone on the planet.

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