woensdag 27 november 2019

Yogic advice to live balanced, long and calm. Breathe well from the belly.

For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on Earth.  – Sanskrit Proverb

Breathing is as essential to your mental, emotional, and physical health and wellbeing as proper nutrition or quality sleep, and yet, it doesn’t get enough credit.  But just simply breathing is not enough. We’ve got to know how to breathe well.  We’ve got to re-train ourselves to breathe better.   

Breathing better can help increase stress resilience. (1) A high level of stress resilience means you’re more likely to bounce back and recover quicker from stressful and draining situations. 

See more at: https://www.calmwithyoga.com/pranayama-yogic-breathing-ujjayi-techniques/

Even in times of stress, there are always tips and tricks in yoga to manage stress.

A lesson from Pranayama (yogic breathing). Dangerous if you overdo it, but helpful if you need to do it, wether smoking consciously or just breathing consciously. It helps.

Read more : https://www.calmwithyoga.com/pranayama-yogic-breathing-ujjayi-techniques/

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