woensdag 27 november 2019

This mantra has a wonderful protecting effect on the hearers. Recommended for everyone.

This mantra invokes the protection of many buddha's.
It works perfect when realising mistakes on the path.
Recommended for all.
May all sentient beings be released from suffering and rebirth in the lower realms of existence.


By reciting these prayers in verses Men, women, brahmins, and royals Who praise the conquerors with folded hands, Will remember their births in all lives. They will have bodies adorned with all limbs and senses, And be endowed with myriad merits and virtues. The lord of humans will always venerate them. Such will they be in each place of birth. Those into whose ears this confession enters, Have performed virtue in the presence of not just one buddha, Not two, nor four, nor five, nor ten, Nor in the presence of thousand buddhas have they performed virtue. ~ The King of Glorious Sutras called the. Exalted Sublime Golden Light.

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