zondag 24 november 2019

Important News about Bicarbonates, Cancer, the Pancreas, Diabetes and Fungal Infections. - Shared by K. Gabriel

By Dr. Sircus,
As the worlds foremost expert on sodium bicarbonate use as a primer medicine I will break the second law of general semantics and yell from the top of the highest mountain through the strongest radio antenna that ALL cancer patients, all diabetics, AIDS and kidney patients, suffers of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson disease, autistic children, those who are about to be vaccinated and receive chemo and radiation therapy, or even get a CT or PET scan should be administered sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate or even magnesium bicarbonate. Magnesium bicarbonate is perfect because we are bringing magnesium in as an equal partner into everyone’s life.
Since we live on a planet poisoned by tens of thousands of chemicals, plastic, heavy metals and increasing levels of radiation and EMF pollution we need to step out of the heavy winds of toxicity and give our bodies a break with these universally needed necessary medicines.
All doctors, medical associations, the FDA and CDC as well as alternative practitioners, and everyone involved in health should take notice and ring the bells on the one thing in medicine that everyone should be able to agree with. With so much disagreement on everything in the 21st Century it is a relief to be able to establish a consensus about something.
My recommendations do not end here and if it was up to me I would extend the consensus to include, iodine, selenium, sulphur, clay and a zeolite as the elements of a universal protocol. However, this essay is focused on bicarbonates.
The Pancreas
Normal exocrine pancreatic function is the core of proper digestion, health and a cancer free life. One primary reason for the current epidemic of digestive disorders is chronic metabolic acidosis, which is extremely common in modern populations. Chronic metabolic acidosis primarily affects two alkaline digestive glands, the liver, and the pancreas, which produce alkaline bile and pancreatic juice with a large amounts of bicarbonate.
Even small acidic alterations in the bile and pancreatic juice pH can lead to serious biochemical/biomechanical changes. The pancreatic digestive enzymes require an alkaline milieu for proper function, and lowering the pH disables their activity.[1] Here we are at the beginning of digestive orders and even of cancer.
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Acidification of the pancreatic juice decreases its antimicrobial activity, which can lead to intestinal dysbiosis. Lowering the pH of the pancreatic juice can cause premature activation of the proteases inside the pancreas with the potential development of pancreatitis.
The acidification of bile causes precipitation of the bile acids, which irritate the entire biliary system and create bile stone formation. Aggressive mixture of the acidic bile and the pancreatic juice can cause erratic contractions of the duodenum’s walls and subsequent bile reflux into the stomach and the esophagus.
Pancreas, Bicarbonates and Diabetes (which eventually leads to cancer)
Various hypotheses have been put forward to explain the frequent finding of exocrine insufficiency in diabetes: first, dysregulation of exocrine secretion due to diabetic neuropathy and atrophy of exocrine tissue due to lack of local trophic insulin effects or related to local or general vascular damage; second, simultaneous exocrine and endocrine dysfunction as a net result of a common underlying process affecting the whole pancreas, and autoimmune-mediated inflammation.[2]
Parhatsathid Napatalung from Thailand writes, “The pancreas is harmed if the body is metabolically acid as it tries to maintain bicarbonates. Without sufficient bicarbonates, the pancreas is slowly destroyed, insulin becomes a problem and hence diabetes becomes an issue. Without sufficient bicarbonate buffer, the effect of disease is far reaching as the body becomes acid.”
“Monitoring of blood-sugar levels, insulin production, acid-base balance, and pancreatic bicarbonate and enzyme production before and after test exposures to potentially allergic substances reveals that the pancreas is the first organ to develop inhibited function from varied stresses,[3] writes Dr. William Philpott and Dr. Dwight K. Kalita in their book Brain Allergies.
When one of many possible biological stresses weigh down on the pancreas it will, as any other organ will, begin to function improperly. When this happens the first thing we will see is a reduction in pancreatic bicarbonate production. Once there is an inhibition of pancreatic function and pancreatic bicarbonate flow there naturally follows a chain reaction of inflammatory reactions throughout the body. Under such conditions infections and fungi are known to proliferate.
Decreasing bicarbonate flow would boomerang hardest right back on the pancreas, which itself needs proper alkaline conditions to provide the full amount of bicarbonate necessary for the body.
What oncologists now have to concede is a direct relationship between what is causing diabetes and what is causing cancer; with the diabetic condition itself contributing in a strong way to cancer.
Pancreatic Cancer and Fungal Infections
On October 3, 2019, The New York Times published an article titled, “In the Pancreas, Common Fungi May Drive Cancer,” reporting on findings of a study published in the prestigious Nature journal. According to this study: fungi migrate from the gut lumen to the pancreas, and that this is implicated in the pathogenesis of Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA), which is a malignancy of the exocrine pancreas with the worst prognosis among all solid tumors; and soon to become the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths.
PDA tumors in humans and mouse models of this cancer displayed an increase in fungi of about 3,000-fold compared to normal pancreatic tissue. Solid tumors excrete acid and the spread of cancer cells is stimulated by acidic conditions in the surrounding tissues. Acid is a byproduct of glucose metabolism, which ties in with research showing cancer feeds on and is accelerated by a diet high in sugar
According to the researchers, PDA tumors had far greater amounts of a common fungal genus called Malassezia. Killing off the mycobiome with an anti-fungal drug was found to be protective, slowing down the progression of the tumor. The team found that treating mice with a strong anti-fungal drug called amphotericin B reduced tumor weight by 20–40%. The treatment also reduced ductal dysplasia, an early stage in the development of pancreatic cancer, by 20–30%. Sodium bicarbonate, for many reasons, is a far superior anti-fungal than amphotericin B, for it also addresses the conditions that lead to pancreatic distress while it kills fungi.
In summary, the fungi trapped in the pancreas appears to drive tumor growth. Fungus infections are now officially one more factor to consider in the alphabet soup of factors affecting cancer proliferation. The fungal population in the pancreas is a biomarker for who’s at risk for developing cancer because it is part of an army of infections well known to cause cancer.
Doesn’t this recent research remind you of Dr. Tullio Simoncini’s work, which was centered on the belief that cancer is a fungus. Certainly fungus cells and cancer cells share fermentation as their main source of energy. Both are terribly invasive and in most late stage cancers certainly come with each other because they are basically one and the same.
Cystic Fibrosis and Bicarbonate
It has long been recognized that patients with cystic fibrosis have a malabsorption syndrome secondary to pancreatic insufficiency for which they generally are treated with the oral administration of pancreatic extracts from hog or beef origin.
Recently Solomons, Cotton, and Dubois reported that the oral administration of L-arginine resulted in a reduction of steatorrhea and gain of body weight in cystic fibrosis patients, perhaps by acting as a mild detergent and thus reducing the viscosity of intestinal mucus and increasing the emulsification of dietary fats. In the treatment of pancreatic insufficiency not due to cystic fibrosis, other investigators have advocated the oral administration of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) in an attempt to correct the deficiency of endogenous NaHCO3 secretion seen in such patients.[4]
Antibiotic Resistance and Bicarbonate
With antibiotic resistance on the rise, scientists are looking everywhere for better treatment approaches, even inside a box of baking soda—otherwise known as sodium bicarbonate. Bicarbonate ions, like the ones in this kitchen staple, act as a ubiquitous buffer in the human body. In a new study, scientists have figured out that bicarbonate diminishes the pH gradient across bacterial membranes, which can help usher some antibiotics in and keep some out.[5]
Eric D. Brown of McMaster University found that bicarbonate increased bacteria-killing for some drug classes. The activity of many antibiotics is influenced by proton motive force, the product of cellular respiration that generates the energy molecule ATP. The large shifts in activity they observed were strong clues that bicarbonate was impacting this aspect of bacterial physiology.
Of course we know, or should know that many viruses are pH sensitive to bicarbonates. Fusion of viral and cellular membranes is pH dependent. “The plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells serves as a barrier against invading parasites and viruses.
Inexpensive, Safe Way to Combat Autoimmune Disease
A daily dose of baking soda may help reduce the destructive inflammation of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, scientists say. They have some of the first evidence of how the cheap, over-the-counter anti-acid can encourage our spleen to promote instead an anti-inflammatory environment that could be therapeutic in the face of inflammatory disease, Medical College of Georgia scientists reported in the Journal of Immunology.[6]
They have shown that when rats or healthy people drink a solution of baking soda it becomes a trigger for the stomach to make more acid to digest the next meal and for little-studied mesothelial cells sitting on the spleen to tell the fist-sized organ that there’s no need to mount a protective immune response.
“The shift from inflammatory to an anti-inflammatory profile is happening everywhere,” said Dr. Paul O’Connor says. “We saw it in the kidneys, we saw it in the spleen, now we see it in the peripheral blood.”
Yet some doctors, who are ignorant of the real importance of bicarbonates continue to stand again its use. Dr. Russell Jaffe contends, “that use of baking soda to quell inflammation and autoimmunity brings more risk than benefit. In my opinion, it is actually a harmful choice that one should avoid.”
I tend to ignore doctors like this and drink my pH Adjust (sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate with magnesium). Or for a mitochondrial rocket fuel formula I take magnesium bicarbonate.
Doctors might as well tell patients to stop breathing or drinking water when they warn people off of bicarbonates, which are totally natural substances that the stomach, pancreas and kidney strain to produce every day of our lives. The fact that there is no replacement for bicarbonates and that we do experience bicarbonate deficiencies as we grow older or suffer under toxic air, water and food, makes bicarbonates such an excellent low cost and safe medicine.
Just Some Of My Essays on Bicarbonate

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