donderdag 31 oktober 2019

Ultra-Zionists, attacks and censorship

A few months ago I tried to upload a video to You Tube advocating Peace between Israël and Palestine. It was not allowed. This is according to David Icke is the Zionist censorship in action. This Zionist death-cult controls Google, twitter and Facebook and has links with the FBI. Israël is An apartheid Zionist state. You might be called antisemitic if you do dare to say this. But I have nothing against the Jewish People. Real Torah Jews oppose this too. The more they censor me, the more they'll get my Middle finger. Like David Icke and Tucker Carlson, I Will not obey to their fascist attacks. I Will not shut up or be intimidated by that crowd.

Thanks David, your latest book is Truly a revelation.

One More thing, don't get fooled by fake facebook or you tube accounts. It's not me. It are attempts to discredit me. Nothing more, nothing less.

It's this Ultra-Zionist death-cult that is behind the 9/11 attacks and NOT Arabs with bombs. Bin Laden was nothing more than a C.I.A.-funded scape-goat, as Mark Dutroux was the scape-goat for the horrific child-molesting crimes and sacrificing of children done by the Royal family in the past. Do your own research. This are facts.

It is a difficult path exposing these psychopaths, they call you a nutter, block and take away your money and so on, but the awakening has never been so great and hopefull as it is now.

This network controls Israel and America.

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