dinsdag 22 oktober 2019

Some thoughts by K. Gabriel

I have seen the reprint of my book on kundalini. It doesn't look professionally on the outside (the cover) because many things went wrong in some other books are spellingmistakes and so on and so forth but this is all due to the fact that I had many things to work on and had to deal with what Sri Aurobindo calls the 'counterforces' that wanted to prevent me from evolving. In the meantime I was helping friends and relatives in my environment and had many delays, problems with computer software and a possible hack attack. Every time when a yogi makes progress, according to Sri Aurobindo, one might experience attacks and thus delays. This is a sign of progress, do not panic or get frightened. The material world always rejects an influx of spiritual energy. But those who keep going eventually will succeed.

I am studying the Collected Works of Sri Aurobindo about the Coming of a Spiritual Satya Yuga (Golden Age) within the greater Kali Yuga cycle.

I am studying about Europe and the United States. I believe in the individual as well as in the sovereign nation. At the same time I am an advocate for a friendly unity and partnership in freedom between individuals and between nationstates but I fight hard to prevent the rise of totalitarian Superstates. That is not the goal of our enterprise. The change must start on the inside on a spiritual level within each and every individual no matter the political preference, sex, colour, sexual orientation, caste or creed. It should resemble really the unity of the human family and with a huge dose of spiritual anarchism involved, that means that the free and liberated individual is the most important within a natural, democratic environment. If the individuals are supported all together as comrades within the greater brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity, respect for the collective State will develop naturally and nothing would have to be forced upon anyone. As the Wise Lao Tse thaught : expect nothing, force nothing, act without acting, do not hurry and everything will be accomplised, be like water my friend.

So far so good, I can see a Light at the end of the tunnel. Finally, there is hope rising for Europe and for humanity at large.

Keep going, beloveds, we are doing it, however it seemed impossible at the very beginning. There is hope.

Atlantis will not fall this time,
if you ask me.
Atlantis will not fall this time,
if we purge the corruption (the purge & Storm is coming)
       Atlantis will not fall this time,
if the ten Kings join us in this quest for a FREE and LIBERATED humanity
Atlantis will not fall this time,
if we do not hurry the journey at all.

weet dreams, I'll be back tomorrow ::-)


Kristo(f) Gabriel

Recommended study : The coming of a Spiritual Age, by Sri Aurobindo. Take good care of yourselves.

 Conditions for the Coming of a Spiritual Age (click here)

Click above to read the Chapter.

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