vrijdag 21 juni 2019

The social impact of MIND CONTROL - info from Kerth Barker & David Icke

The victims of MK Ultra and Monarch Mind Control often do not understand that they have been programmed. It’s difficult to estimate how many Americans have been subjected to some type of Illumaniti mind control, but we are talking about many thousands of people most whom have no idea that they have been programmed. Important Freemasons, military personel, government officials and corporate leaders are often subjected to Illuminati mind control with implanted (or embedded) commands. Key persons throughout society have been subjected to Illuminati mind control, and most of them do not realize that latent mind control commands have been installed.

The Illuminati have many methods for doing this. For example, I know that certain dentists have been recruited by the Illuminati, and when they put a client under general anesthesia, they implant commands into the victim’s subconsious mind. Another practice that wealthy Illuminati members have large parties where drugs and alcohol are used. At such parties it’s easy to put knockout drugs in someone’s drink, then have that person taken off to a room where commands are implanted. One way Billionaire Illuminati members ensure the loyalty of those who work for them is through implanted mind-control commands.

The Illuminati controls the mass media : the press, television and movies. Illuminati leaders use these mass media outlets to present visual symbolic triggers to the public. These symbolic triggers stimulate implanted commands. Some of these symbolic triggers are images of monarch butterflies, teddy bears, the single eye, the pyramid, the pentagram, the mask, the maze, the goat’s head, and many othes. These Illuminati symbols reinforce implanted commands and keep the victims in line. Anyone who feels lightheaded when staring at any of these symbols may have been subjected to Illuminati mind control.

What has happened in America, Israel and Europe is that brainwashing on a massive scale has taken place. Society is being structured by brainwashing specialists who don’t inform the victims that they have been brainwashed. Unless you have a great deal of knowledge about how mind control works, you may have been programmed against your will and without your knowledge.

Anyway who has noticed that they have unexplained periods of missing time in their life may be a Monarch mind-control slave. Even if you’ve never been subjected to trauma-based mind control, you probably know someone who has been. That’s how widespread this is. There are varying degrees to which mind control victims have been affected. However, the mechanism through which all such mind control operates is memory.

Source : Mental Liberation in the Age of thought control, Deprogramming Satanic Ritual Abuse, MK Ultra, Monarch, and Illuminati Mind Control. by Kerth Barker, Author of Angelic Defenders and Demonic Abusers, Memoirs of a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor.

David Icke writes in his latest book :

Blond-haired, blue-eyed people are the Hidden Hand’s preferred genetic type in some mind control programs. This relates again to their particular energetic information field and at least in a part to the Nordic ET race which opposes Reptilian control and is genetically connected to the blond-haired, blue-eyed and other white races.
Movies featuring mind-controlled assassins and government assets like The Manchurian Canditate are based on fact. (...) And offshoot of MK-Ultra wa called project Monarch and named after the Monarch Butterfly. Monarch involves the creation of mind-controlled sex slaves for the rich and famous, including American presidents, ad these slaves include some of the biggest names in music and entertainment. See The Biggest Secret for the background to Monarch. Mind-controlled artists in Hollywood and the entertainment industry are often pictured with a butterfly. You also see endless images f artists either covering or emphasising one eye and this is often to indicate control by Project Monarch and / or the El-ite cult of the all-seeying eye. (...) I don’t condemn them personally because they are under mind control programming and will have suffered abuse themselves as part of that. They know not what they do – well, most of them anyway. MK-Ultra was run by the CIA’s Scientific Intelligence Division and the US Army Chemical Corps Special Operations Division. Even from what was allowed to come out the scale was massive. The program involved at leat 80 institution in the United States and Canada with college, univerities, hospitals, prisons and the pharmaceutical cabal all making their contribution to a secret mind control programm that wiped out or manipulated the minds of its targets and destroyed their lives.

MK-Ultra was founded on what is called trauma-based mind control and ideally they want to start with children before the age of around six, while brain pathways are still forming, allthough it can still be started later. They inflict unspeakable horrors on these children – truly unspeakable – and this cause them to ‘dissociate’ or block memories of what they experienced. This involved programmed sex slaves, assassins, terrorists, even computer-like couriers of information between agents of the Web in a process they call ‘mind files’.
Their common themes and experiences and the rich and famous people they name are absolutely compelling and consistent. Many actors and actresses in Hollywood, singers and other entertainers are under trauma-based mind control to serve the mass perception-programming agenda that I will describe, and you see the programming break down sometimes when they go out of control and do crazy things.


Mind control of individuals, the general population and even assets of the Web is aimed at ensuring there are no suprises, maverick behaviour or situations and responses the El-ite can’t predict. They are not interested in controlling one side in the symbolic soccer game. They want control of both sides and the referee so they kno the outcome before the game has ever started. Presidents and many leading politicians are subjected to mind control for this reason. Mind control is the El-ite’s insurance. Put the words ‘Bll Clinton, mind control and treason’ into You Tube and you will see clearly his programming.
The Jesuit Order was also heavily involved in Cathy O’Brien’s programming, because at its inner core this is a satanic operation working for the web through the Roman Catholic Church.

I recommend the interview with David Icke and Arizon Wilder on You Tube for more insight on what is going on.

From the book : Everything You Need To Know  But Have Never Been Told, by David Icke

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