zaterdag 15 juni 2019

The problem of satanism in society.

How Satanism infests the ruling royal, financial and political classes.

Amongst the highest echelons, some are politicians, medical doctors, high ranking police officers, lawyers, advertising gurus, decorated military men, media personalities, fashion models and social workers. Amongst the lowers (usually temporary) ranks are prostitutes, minor drug dealers and a number of High School students. Some operate from the mists.

Their victims are drip-fed amnesia by assortment of mind-control measures and psychological torture tactics that would leave any normal person numb with the dawning apprehension that things are not as they seem – and they have not been for a long, long time. The most talented amongst them have lifestyles maintained in crme, but lacquered with a thin veneer of respectable professionalism and knowledge. – David Icke

It is always possible for former satanists to get out of it, but they have to trust and dare. Not everyone born in dark families is bad. Everything is possible, never forget that. I can’t be angry or mad at Madeleine Rothschild. Believe!

Satanists seek to impose their desires and lack of values onto humans and make the whole world satanic. Their plans are well advanced with, for example, satanic rituals presented under the disguise (to the unknowing masses) of stages performances, video, music and movies. All are projecting visual and audio frequencies and symbols to seize the minds and perceptions to the audience. Michael Jackson’s Thriller which explores the satanic realms is an obvious case with his eyes changing to reptilian. Stage shows and video’s by world famous artists such as as Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Madonna and Beyonce als feature blatant satanic and secret society themes and ritualism. I am not accusing any of these people personally of anything, but pointing out the symbolism in their performances which is undeniable. Royalty and politics are incredibly ritualistic with their satanic foundations hidden behind the cover of ‘pomp and ceremony’.

  Just do not fear any of them, light is stronger than the dark and everywhere is good and bad.

David Icke

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