dinsdag 4 juni 2019

The Cruxifiction, the greatest HOAX of Christianity.

A potential holographic insert in this portal is the arrival of extraterrestrials from space. Or Christ returning. Or some god returning, or some savior, or some reason for everyone to begin to follow one way of thinking. At this time, as we see it, it is not of light. An example of a holographic insert that was put on the planet in the past to change the course of history is the crucifixion of Christ. The drama that was played out and passed on historically to you is not the reality that the Christed One came in to play. A version of this entity's life was molded and designed in a holographic entertainment movie, which was then inserted and played out as if it were real.

Christ came in as a committee of beings over a period of time. The story that you have been told is a dramatized, marketed version-a very controlled version of who this entity was and is. Part of the Christ drama you have been taught was a holographic insert. And part of what you will discover in the future about the Christed One has the potential of being another holographic insert. So be aware. Most people would say that we are sacrilegious and of the devil to say this. How can we question what the Bible says? How can we question all of these things? Because they were all said and done by patriarchal organizations that promoted themselves. That was all they were. They were utilized to bring back control of the energy on the planet.

In reality, the Christed One was sent as a systems buster, a member of the Family of Light, to bring light through the portal in the Middle East. This created a way for manyto enter and seed a reality that would prepare the consciousness of humanity for the cycle that will terminate in approximately the next twenty years, depending upon how events proceed. The Christed One came not as one entity but as a number of entities, influencing people in humanity's dark hour, an hour when human beings were ready to understand their mysteries. One of the things that was not promoted to you in a very truthful way was that the Christed One was very well accepted. The kind of energy that the Christed beings brought to the planet was received very well.

There are a number of dramas going on with the Christ entity. There is the original blueprint: the plan of the Christed committee to come in, to spread light or information, and to show humans what the human body is capable of doing. Then there are the beings who said, "What are we going to do about this? This one is coming in our portal, and we want control over this portal. How are we going to be able to use this energy? It is a free-will universe, and we can do what we want." So they created a holographic insert of the drama of Christ being crucified to create fear and emotion out of someone else's intentions and to move consciousness in a way that was not originally intended at all. This means that in a free-will universe it is possible, particularly in portal areas, for one group of gods to raid another's story and insert their own version of it. At the time, perhaps, this does not affect many, although over time the impact of the holographic insert is eventually known. We know this is frustrating for many of you. Yet what we are doing by sharing this information with you is getting you to move, feel, remember-and not think so much. This is not a process of logical thinking, it is a process of feeling. What is going on with your body? Ask yourself, "What is my identity? How can this be? Who am I within it?" Then you will begin to release more of who you are to yourself, and you will be able to figure out many things.

Do you understand why you have come here to bust the system? Do you understand how complex frequency control is? Do you understand how fine and thin reality is? Do you understand how available reality control is to the human species-if humans would harmonize with one another, and act as though they were all provided for, and believe and create through their minds? We said some time ago that light is underestimated on this planet. Truly it is. If it became known how many individuals are gaining sovereignty over their thoughts and lives, and how many of them are broadcasting this sovereignty and living to teach it to others, those in charge would do something about it rather quickly. Light is underestimated, and it is a good thing, because light is going to liberate you all. You have an exciting assignment-an enviable job-and you have all the help you are going to need to complete your task. There has been a tremendous influx of entities and mother ships on this planet that are now acting as intermediaries or perhaps literal transducers of energy. The beams of light that come to the planet come from old and ancient star systems that have been working with Earth for eons and eons. Many of them are simply numbered by your astronomers, while others have names you are familiar with-Sirius, Arcturus, Orion, the Pleiades, and so on. Beams of light are being caught by quite a number of mother ships surrounding Earth, filtered through an entirely different system, and then blasted onto the planet. Many of you have implants inside of you to respond to this communication and to bypass psychotronic warfare and interference that would keep your frequencies jammed and prevent you from being able to receive this information. These implants are not negative. You were not abducted and probed to receive them against your will. They are etheric implants that you called to yourself as tools to receive off-planet energies. These implants are being activated now. Many of you are finding that you are feeling altered. At different times of the day, particularly when you are going to sleep, you are hearing a variety of tones or feeling a kind of electric vibration in your body.

When this information is beamed to you, your body must be able to receive it. In order for your body to receive it, it must be in a certain state. The information is like a current, and if your body cannot handle the current it moves into a state of discomfort. The people of Earth were programmed for this time, and there is no one incarnated upon the planet who can say that they made a mistake and did not know what was going to occur here. No one was born upon this planet without a mechanism inside of them that can be activated to tune into or turn on to the ability to house these frequencies.

We have encouraged many of you to move out of the logical mind because the logical mind will come into conflict with this information and electronic energy. In the next number of years, your understanding and vibration with the frequencies coming to you will be like turning on your own radio. You will have a direct telepathic link with mother ships broadcasting to you. There will come a time when you will never even think of going to a channeling session because you will have your own linkup with information. The wealth of information that will come to you will be of great reassurance; it will be broadcast to fill you in on what is happening. As you become more trusting, you will be able to manifest before you a light entity who will come physically and begin to teach you. Channeling, or the process of bringing information through another being, will become completely archaic as each of you manifest your own literal being to teach you. In the meantime, we are here to teach you, to remind you of who you are, and to give you an idea of what you can draw to yourself. What we want more than anything else is to assist you, as members of the Family of Light, to succeed in liberating the humans. Focus on the dance of yourself. To what tune will you dance and to what magic will you perform and to what heights will you be willing to push consciousness to give it a new definition of possibilities?


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