woensdag 22 mei 2019

The importance and some implications of a scientific investigation of the phenomenon of kundalini – by Gopi Krishna

Study of the phenomenon of kundalini or serpent power provides only the channel for the exploitation of prana, the channel through which the Illuminati attain transcendence and geniuses extraordinary bloom of the mind. Kundalini is the natural inlet through which the human intellect can come into contact with the divine forces of creation.

There are well-known and well-attested cases of individuals who, in trance or semitrance, bloom into great healers, clairvoyants, expounders of religious truths, oracles, and the like. With voluntary cultivation there is no end to the possibilities of the metamorphosis. With better knowledge of the mechanism and discovery of safer methods to activate it, the products of kundalini can bloom into prodigies in every sphere of human knowledge, into geniuses of the highest order, into prophets, seers, healers, and clairvoyants of surpassing stature, beyond anything we can image at present. They will be the leaders in every field of knowledge and activity in the future world.
The study can be divided into five broad parallel departments. 

The first of these would consist of a thorough study of the oral and written tradition. There are thousands of books on kundalini and yoga extant in India. The ancient esoteric treatises, including the Tantras, contain valuable hints about the serpent powers. The Vedas, the Upanishads, and the Puranas provide another fertile source. A study by a team of scholars can provide valuable material to initiate an empirical investigation of the phenomena.

The second province of research would cover those cases in which kundalini is congenitally active. There are five catogeries of the individuals belonging to this class – the born mystic, the man of woman of genius, the prodigies, the mediums, and the psychotics.
Out of all these categories the last named are most easily accesible to research. Next to the cases of awakening doe to certain disciplines or occuring spontaneously later in life, psychotics provide a most fertile field for this investigation. The old view of the psychoanalytic school that insanity is a subjective phenomenon aristing out of repression or other similar causes, especially in childhood, is becoming increasingly obsolete. The latest studies show that schizophrenia, manic-depression, and other serious forms of insanity have roots deep in the organic soil of the body.

The third province of research can be provided by born mystics, geniuses, mediums, and prodigies in whom kundalini is more or less active from birth. The data obtained frm the observation of the mental cases which have resulted from a morbid awakening of the serpent power can be put to use in drawing up a blueprint for the study of those born with it. Certain parameters of identity will always be there. The main targets of investigation should be the cerebrospinal fluid and the reproductive apparatus. In the case of mediums a tendency to orgasm during mediumship has already been noticed in some cases. The erotical nature of mystical ecstacy is fully recognised. The sex life of geniuses or men and women of extraordinary talent must provide indications of this type. The learned, as a class, are often unwilling to move out of the cloistered area of thought to which they are accustumed. But a few of them show a readiness to march into the unknown territory. The ordeals undergone by those who broke through the fallacy of a geocentric universe are well-known. The empirical validation of kundalini is sure to cause a revolution far exceeding in magnitude the caused by Copernicus. But a though battle will be necessary before scholarly prejudice can be overcome.

The fourth province for study can be furnished by those in whom there occurs an activation of the serpent power later in life without it in any way affecting the sanity of their mind. Those who have symptoms of this kind often pass through periods of suspense or suffering because of their ignorance of the factor responsible for them.

The fifth and most important are of research would be provided by those cases who voluntarily offer themselves for the bold exploit of rousing serpent power. Among the ardent seekers after illumination in all parts of the world, there must be some who would readily lend themselves for an unwell-managed institution where the disciplines can be given.

The whole article can be read in the book Kundalini, Evolution and Enlightenment, by John White.

Copyright © 1979, 1990 by John White.

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