vrijdag 3 mei 2019

Team Gabriel update.

Human DNA is recognized as a powerful immune stimulant, able to activate body and brain inflammation and/or autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and lupus, as well as allergies, asthma, hyperactivity, and autism. There is indeed an increase in autoimmune diseases in those who are vaccinated. The worldwide rate of type 1 diabetes, depending on the country and study, is between 50 and 150% higher in vaccinated children.*
Additionally, an increasing amount of worldwide evidence points to a link between child vaccines and autism, particularly in association with the MMR vaccine. It is not clear why, but the use of human aborted fetal DNA may be a factor. Aborted fetal cells containing human DNA have been used since 1983 in the MMR vaccine. It is more than an interesting coincidence that the increase in autism, began to rise in 1983 as well. Aborted-fetal-tissue use in the MMR vaccine was introduced in the UK about ten years later, and again coincided with a spike in autism levels there.
This epidemiological evidence establishes some level of association, and adds weight to the rarely discussed link between MMR vaccination and autism as well as autoimmune diseases. Unfortunately, no well-designed studies, retrospective or prospective, have ever examined this. Because of the epidemiological suggestion of this link, it may be useful to ask your physician if his or her recommended vaccines contain aborted-human DNA.*
It is important to note that some mandatory kindergarten-entry vaccines, including MMR and chicken pox, are only available in the U.S. with aborted fetal DNA. The human DNA cell lines used are MRC-5 and YI-38, which are derived from aborted human fetal tissue.
~ Conscious Parenting: The Holistic Guide to Raising and Nourishing Healthy, Happy Children (pp. 309-310) [*All citations in book.]

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