donderdag 23 mei 2019

Kerth Barker on Deprogramming Satanic Ritual Abuse and MK-Ultra Monarch & Illuminati Mind Control.

Knowingly or unknowingly, all super-wealthy individuals are connected in some way to the Luciferian cults that exist among the generally wealthy. The Luciferian cults manipulate the most powerful persons in society. You find Luciferian puppets at the top of all important international organizations and governments. Such puppets may not openly refer to themselves as Illuminati; however, wether they call themselves the New World Order or simply the global elite – they are all slaves to Lucifer.
As a discrete organisation the Bavarian Illuminati is not all powerful. But it does yield overwhelming power. This official Illuminati organization was originated by Adam Weishaupt on May 1, 1776. This aristocratic Luciferian cult is presently served by a network of criminal organizations, made up of violent Satanists. Almost all organized crime in the USA and Europe is linked to the Illuminati. And they control the governments in the USA, Israel and the European Union. They also have relationships with secret societies around the world.

They are presently operating on a schedule for world takeover. They planned to completely collapse the economy of the USA by the end of 2015. They planned to dismantle the federal government of the USA in 2017 to make it part of a “superstate” that includes Canada and Mexico. They plan to announce their global government in 2020. And they plan to have control of all resources on planet Earth by 2050. And thus far, they are on schedule. So the Illuminati members think of themselves as very powerful.

However, the ultimate puppet-masters are not Illuminati members. They too are puppets. The ultimate puppet-masters are something more demonic. I have know some very well-educated and well-informed Luciferians who have said that the Illuminati is really being run by some type of hostile extraterrestial intelligence.

Some Christian ministers also have become aware of what is going on and are using prayer as a spiritual weapon to challenge these demonic forces. But not all Christian ministries are the same. Some Christians are naive about how the Illuminati works. Some Christian ministers are very narrow-minded and intolerant of those who don’t agree with them. But some Christian ministers are very awakened to what is happening with Satanism around the world. And the rise of a global Satanic empire was predicted by Bible prophecy. I have found Christianity and Bible teachings to be personally very useful. But I know that not everyone responds to Christianity. In whatever way that you seek to develop your spirituality, you need to have a spiritual awakening. Full spiritual awakening is not just an idea, it’s a necessity for survival.


The more the public challenges the lies told by the Illuminati controlled mass media, the more discordance takes place in the minds of the brainwashed politicians.

If you get your news from mainstream newspapers or television outlets you are beings subjected to Illuminati propaganda. Ever since september 11, 2001, the entire country has been acting out an Illuminati mind-control drama. The extent to which the average American is disconnected from reality is overwhelming.
Whenever a person watches television or spends long periods of time on the internet, that person goes into a suble, altered state of mind. In this state of relaxation, the individual is less likely to be critical of any information received. When the Illuminati uses brainwashing techniques on politicians and other important leaders, they coordinate their mind control with the propaganda the general public is being subjected to. This creates a mind-control continuum which consists of both the propaganda control of the public psyche and the Illuminati’s brainwashing control of society’s leaders.
Those who actually tell the truth of what’s going on are labeled as “conspiracy theorists”. So if you are freed from the propaganda and brainwashing, you are actually out of concordance with mainstream society. This is another issue that a person faces in recovering from Illuminati mind control and propaganda. However, if enough people were to become deprogrammed, there would be a tipping point where society in general would awaken to the truth of what the Illuminati is doing.
Nevertheless, my goal in presenting this information at this time isn’t political transformation. I simply believe that the information presented here may have some potential to benefit the mental health treatment of individuals.

The Illuminati, Mental Liberation in the Age of Thought Control, Deprogramming Satanic Ritual Abuse, Mk Ultra, Monarch & Illuminati Mind Control by Kerth Barker, Author of Angelic Defenders and Demonic Abusers, Memoirs of a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor.

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