vrijdag 3 mei 2019

from David Icke Website


The following is a transcription of a conversation between Credo Mutwa and Steve, who is helping him to communicate his information through this website. It was recorded on Sunday, April 29th 2001 in JohannesburgSouth Africa.
Credo: "I wish to appeal to the world. First, I am not a quack or a charlatan or a sensationalist. I am an old man who has seen much. I wish the world to know that there is a faint ray of hope that emanates from South Africa.

It is a plant which is almost on the point of extinction, a plant called ’Suderlandia Fructosate’. This plant works miracles on people who have the terrible disease called Aids. And it is so miraculous that the miracles are seen within a week or a fortnight. A person, who was lying down on the point of death, when given this plant, rises and has much energy and is free of depression and has a good appetite. And I feel that as a nation as a matter of world emergency because the big scientists have not produced a viable safe treatment for aids. I say that this plant should be planted by all caring governments, by all caring organizations and that it should be given to human beings free of charge."

Steve: "Absolutely. You know what I think is important though Credo, that people understand what to do with the plant."

Credo: "They don’t do nothing sir, you are going to laugh about this. You plant the plant okay, but then you take the little leaves from it and you put them in a tea cup and you pour much boiling water on it. And then you let the cup stand there, like tea you know, and you just drink, the patient just drinks."

Steve: "The leaves and the red flower?"

Credo: "Yah."


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