maandag 29 april 2019

On the crime of giving vaccinations by Dr Gabriel Cousens.

In addition to the use of animal DNA, twenty-four common vaccines are grown on aborted human fetuses. For some people, aborted fetus and human DNA may bring up religious and/or moral as well as health issues.
The issue of human tissue and human DNA in vaccines is not one that is understood clearly. Moreover, most parents are not informed that human DNA is in a vaccine so that they can choose a vaccine compatible with their conscience. Interestingly enough, the use of aborted fetal cells in producing these vaccines began in the mid- to late 1970s. The vaccine companies, with no evidence at all, decided that using aborted human fetal cells would result in more efficient vaccine production. There was very little discussion at the FDA level of the potential adverse health consequences of using human DNA.
Should parents and grandparents know that their children are receiving DNA from aborted human fetuses in their vaccinations? Presently there are no laws that required drug manufacturers to inform the public of this. What are the health consequences of adding human DNA to these vaccines—could this have the potential to trigger autoimmune responses, or “other unknown potential problems? Does the human DNA in vaccines have the potential to become incorporated into our own DNA, through a well-documented process call homologous recombination (when a DNA sequence is pushed out and replaced by foreign DNA, which can occur during cell division or DNA repair)? Do we want our children getting someone else’s DNA, when no one knows with any certainty how it could affect who they are, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually? How might human DNA-contaminated vaccines contribute to human diseases? Is it acceptable that our child’s genes become contaminated with those of an unknown aborted fetus through this process of homologous recombination?
~ Conscious Parenting: The Holistic Guide to Raising and Nourishing Healthy, Happy Children (pp. 308-309)

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