dinsdag 30 april 2019

Kundalini : an overview. - by Swami Sivananda Radha.

Kundalini : An overview
By Swami Sivananda Radha

Kundalini yoga is a direct path of conscious cooperation with the evolutionary forces inherent in each individual, leading toward higher consciousness. What has come to us from ancient times about kundalini has been preserved in a most interesting picture language. The beautiful symbols represent a very precise path, from the foundation of human life to the heights of expanded consciousness.
The ancient yogis depicted the evolution of mankind, and the consciousness of the individual in particular, as a progression of seven steps. The seven centers have symbolic locations in the spinal column. These centers are referred to either as chakras or lotuses. Chakra means wheel and symbolizes the process of the movement of life. The lotus, slowly unfolding from a bulb rooted in mud to a full-blown flower above the water, symbolizes the development from a primitive to a highly cultivated and refined being. The chakras are best understood as levels of consciousness.
Each of us, wheter aware of it or not, is on the path of evolution of consciousness. The unaware person, through events that are very painful, is often incited to get off the merry-go-round and look for other options. There is more to life than fame, wealth, reaching the top of the social ladder, or – on the other hand – a broken heart, loss of status, ..... When these events are given too great importance, one becomes forgetful of the true purpose of life. Life becomes meaningless sleepwalking. We don’t live – we drift. We have lost direction. We have lost sight of our option to stop being sleepwalkers and t begin to consciously cooperate with the forces of evolution that are everywhere at work.

Read more in the book mentioned below. This yoga might lead humanity to COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.

From the book : Kundalini, Evolution and Enlightenment, by John White

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