dinsdag 26 maart 2019

Wisdom of today.

"We have pointed out repeatedly that no real progress in spirituality is possible unless an aspirant gets his kundalini power awakened, and it has also been pointed out that the easiest way of awakening that power is through initiation by shaktipat by a spiritual master. (*)"

[*] Swami Vishnu Tirtha, Devatma Shakti (Kundalini) Divine Power, Chapter "Secret of Upasana (Worship)" (Delhi, India, Swami Shivom Tirtha, 1993), p. 129.

"Keep firm in faith unfathomable. Faith is samādhi - nothing more.
Tirtha, Swami Narayan Tirtha (2000). Guru Ka Khamrit (in Bengali). Siddhayogashram, D60/23 Choti Gaibi, Varanasi 221010, India: Siddhayogashram. p. 323.

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