dinsdag 19 maart 2019

Thomas Szasz - Libertarian Principles and Psychiatric Practices: Are The...

“We cannot institutionalize
helping the "victims" of personal disasters.” 

Thomas Stephen Szasz, Cruel Compassion:
Psychiatric Control of Society's Unwanted

“The pressure to reduce
health care costs is aimed only at the treatment of real diseases. There is no
pressure to reduce the costs of treating fictitious diseases. On the contrary,
there is pressure to define ever more types of undesirable behaviors as mental
disorders or addictions and to spend ever more tax dollars on developing new
psychiatric diagnoses and facilities for storing and treating the victims of
such diseases, whose members now include alcoholics, drug abusers, smokers,
overeaters, self-starvers, gamblers, etc.” 

Thomas Stephen Szasz, Cruel Compassion:
Psychiatric Control of Society's Unwanted

Witchhunt / heksenjacht op yogi's en mystieken mag stoppen, aub. Dank u.

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