zondag 3 maart 2019


These ideas may not make complete sense unless you work with them in some way. Once I started to work with these techniques, the principles upon which they are based became clear to me.

With all that in mind, this is how the methology of Fabian Therapy works. There are four basic aspects of Fabian Therapy.

1. First there are a number of journaling techniques. These can be done by the patient when alone, but  should be reviewed to some extent with the therapist.

2. Second there is EMA, Episodic Memory Analysis. This is the systematic analysis of non-occluded episodic memories, which must be done by the therapist. This is a very powerful technique when used repeatedly, over time.

3. Third there are extroversion techniques.

4.  And finally there are vocabulary exercises to influence semantic memory. This process actually releases the negative charge contained in the words themselves which make up the instructions of the implanted commands.

Although there does have to be a therapist to manage this process, I have to say that most of the time the therapist’s role in this process is simple that some of the people I knew years ago who where doing Fabian Therapy did not have a degree in psychology or as a therapist. For the most part, a Fabian Therapist is more like an exercise coach who motivates the patient and provides necesarry guidance. However, the overall process does need to be managed by a knowledgable therapist with practiced skill. And at times, some sophisticated therapy methods are required.

On the other hand, the patient receiving Fabian Therapy must be highly motivated. None of the standard Fabian techniques are complex, but two of them require daily attention and all of them require some self-discipline and willpower. The patient has to accept the fact that or she will have to be in this for the long run to get tangible results.

Any therapist that would use Fabian Therapy would have to hav commitment. There is an old saying, “Who rides a tiger does not dismount.” This is not a process that you want to start with someone and leave undone. If you begin at this with someone, you may be in it for years and ethically you can’t abandon any patient. To start this process and abandon it uncompleted might cause the patient to collapse into depression or commit suicide.

How long they need to be in therapy really depends upon how extensively they have been subject to Illuminati mind control. If they have been subjected to Monarch mind control to the point of having multiple personalities, they could be at this therapy for years. However, if they’ve just been subjected to one or two session of Illuminati mind control, they might recover in a few weeks.

I should also point out that the Fabian therapist I worked with believed that they would eventually find a way to speed up the process of recovery.


Wheter or not you have been subjected to mind control, journaling techniques can be very empowering. This is something that anyone could do to empower their lives and to take greater control of their lives.

I have to say that even without the help of a therapist, a person could work with just these techniques and get positive results.  (...)
So there us a description of three highly structured journaling techniques :

1.       The daily episodic journal
2.       The daily dream journal
3.       An imagination / Cathartic journal (that can be done at any time)

I have to point out that in a sense, the entire population of the United States have been subjected to Illuminati mind control. The Illuminati has been taking over the United States a little time since before the Civil War. The Illuminati controls the Economy of the United States by using the Federal Reserve. Wall Street is a center of Illuminati power. The Federal Government takes it orders from Wall Street and the Bilderberg Group. The consolidation of all mass media corporations into a very few corporations controlled by the Illuminati, as already taken place.

If you get your news from mainstream newspapers or television outlets you are being subjected to Illuminati propaganda. Ever since September 11, 2001, the entire country has been acting out an Illuminati mind-control drama. The extent to which the average American is disconnected from Reality is overwhelming.

Whenever a person watches television or spends long periods of time on the internet, that person goes into a subtle, altered state of mind. In this state of relaxation, the individual is less likely to be cricitical of any information received. When the Illuminati uses brainwashing techniques on politicians and other important leaders, they coordinate their mind control with the propaganda that the general public is being subjected to. This creates a mind-control continuum which consists of both the propaganda control of the public psyche and the Illuminati’s brainwashing control of society’s leaders.
Those of us who actually tell the truth about what’s going on are labeled as conspiracy theorists. So if you are freed from propaganda and brainwashing, you are actually out of concordance with mainstream society. This is another issue that a person faces in recovering from Illuminati mind control . The more you attain freedom, the more discordance you feel with this society which is based on Illuminati mind control and propaganda. However, if enough people were to become deprogrammed, there would be a tipping point where society in general would awaken to the truth of what the Illuminati is doing.

Nevertheless, my goal in presenting this information at this time isn’t political transformation. I simply believe that the information presented here may have some potential to benefit the mental health treatment of individuals.
From the book Mental Liberation in the age of thought control, deprogramming Satanic ritual abuse, MK Ultra, Monarch & Illuminati Mind Control by Kerth Barker

Author of Angelic Defenders & Demonic Abusers, Memoirs of a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor

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