zaterdag 2 maart 2019


Just as there are four aspects to the mind control method, there are four aspects to the deprogramming method:
1.       Awakenment
2.       memory recovery
3.       authentic self-realisation
4.       emotional sensitization

1.       Awakenment
Awakenment is the experience of an individual realizing that he or she has being brainwashed. This realization doesn’t necessarily happen all at once. The individual might wake up a little a time. THis awakenment happens in different ways for different persons. There is an international “Thruther” movement in which internet activists are trying to wake people up. Leaders like Alex Jones and David Icke put a great deal of effort into this type of activism. Awakenment is the first step.
2.       Memory recovery
For victims of trauma-based mind control, memory recovery is very problematicL. But it isn’t just the victims of trauma-based mind control who struggle with this. Many people suffer from medical birth trauma, the effects of which they do not understand. Men who have been circumcised as children have been tortured, but most do not consciously remember the torture.
Also there is a deep philosophical meaning to memoryu recovery. As humans, we are powerful spiritual beings. But most humans have forgotten who they really are. Reconnecting with your inner spiritual core is a part of memory recovery because you are recalling your true spiritual nature.
But memory recovery also means rehabilitation of the memory system. The practice of a daily journaling is something that can be useful to many persons because it reinforces the health of your memory system.

3.       Authentic Self Realisation
Authentic Self Realization: It’s become a motto of our time for people to say that they are “looking for themselves” – and this really makes sense because the entire culture has beensubjected to varying degrees of mind control. In the case of persons suffering from multiple personality disorder this conflict is intense. When you can reject the false masks of persona that have been imposed upon you and find the person behind the mas, you have found yourself. But this is something that never can be done alone. You need to have relationships with persons for whom you feel mutual respect and affection. Such relationships are necessary in order to know who you are, because we humans are social creatures. Of course some relationships are toxic and destructive. Therefore you have to concentrate on those relationships that are positive and life affirming.
4.       Emotional Sensitization
Emotional Sensitization : Most mind control involves varying degrees of disassociation, in which your mental processes disconnect from your emotional awareness and physical sensations. We have all been socially conditioned into ignoring body’s messages, but reconnecting to your feelings is essential to recovery. There is no simple way of doing this other than to pay close attention to what you are feeling – pain, thightness, tension, etc. – and to respond to those bodily sensations, which are called feelings or emotions, in a way that helps to release them.

For years I used artwork and drumming to connect with my feelings. I’m not a good drummer. I have no talent for drumming, but when I would feel negative feelings in my body, rather than going into the traumatic source of the feelings, I would drum. Sometimes I would drum for hours. I’d try to express the emotions through the drumming. My drummer might start off as slow and soft drum beats to express apathy and depression. The drum beats would become faster as I got into fear and anger. Often, by the time I finished drumming, the beat would be strong, steady and cheerful.

There are other ways to sensitize yourself to your feelings. I’ve found yoga and Tai Chi type stretching exercises to be useful for this. Support groups and supportive relationships can be helpful as well. But essentially you must have the attitude that an acute awareness of your feelings and emotions is not shameful but important to your recovery.

Many victims of trauma-based mind control become drug addicts or alcoholics. Psychiatrists encourage psychiatric drug use, which can be very harmful in many cases. These drugs disconnect you from your inner feelings, while you really need to feel these emotions and process them. Negative emotions can be released in a healthy way with talk therapy, journaling or some cathartic expression. It’s good to get physical when releasing these negative emotions. There have been times when I’ve gone out to my car, rolled up the windows and screamed for a long periods of time. But most of the time I’ve processed negative feelings with things like art or drumming.

Source : Kerth Barker, Mental Liberation in the age of thought control, Deprogramming satanic ritual abuse, Mk Ultra, Monarch and Illuminati mind control.

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