zaterdag 15 december 2018

Yellow Vest Support Group (Angelic) - The People's Trumpet went off :-) Keep the faith. Merry Christmas. Liberty shall prevail.

In the end goodness always wins 

"Government by and for the people, is what we should believe in. Democracy now :-)"

There is free will in this universe. Angels help but don't make unnecessary decisions.

We are always there, but it's up to humanity to choose collectively the future of this planet.

If you as me: choosing slavery would be a stupid choose.

Human race, it's time to get off your knees.

Freedom or fascism: time to choose.


Thank you David Icke

I'm trying to help Macron as well, and I bless Trump. I respect our leaders. But they need to listened now, to the will of the people. Without the support of the people they guide, they are nothing (and they know that).

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