maandag 19 november 2018

Psychology of the future

"If psychology wants to be a force for progress, it needs to stop labeling it as abnormal to express the full human potential. Instead, it needs to take its focus away from abnormal (meaning lower) psychology and put it on what can indeed be the "normal" psychology for a human being, namely a higher mastery of the faculties of the mind. In the Golden Age, such mastery of the mind will indeed be seen as normal human psychology and it will be the most common as well.
Thus, if the psychological profession is truly dedicated to helping people, it would do well to transform itself into a profession and institution that has as its main goal to pursue any effective philosophy or methodology for helping people explore and develop the full human potential. As it is today, psychology has a very narrow definition of what is normal human behavior, a definition that simply does not allow for the expression of the full human potential. As I said earlier, at this time many people are exhibiting unbalanced and extremist behavior. Yet at the same time many people are pushing the boundaries for the human potential, and even though this is precisely what can take society into the Golden Age, it is likely to be labeled as abnormal behavior by current psychologists. Thus, there are already examples of people who have been committed to mental institutions simply because psychologists and psychiatrists are using a far too narrow definition of normal and abnormal behavior. Some should be able to see the irony in the fact that psychology is now persecuting those who go beyond the current mental box, precisely as the Inquisition did in centuries past. " - Kim Michaels

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