woensdag 21 november 2018


In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I call upon Mother Mary, Archangel Michael, the Divine Director and the seven Archangels to judge and remove all beings, in and out of embodiment, who promote war as a means to gain profit. Awaken the people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters.

1. Archangel Michael, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the people who are committing or planning war or agression for material gain.

2. Archangel Michael, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the demons and fallen beings in the astral plane who are behind warfare for physical plunder. I command you to remove these beings from earth.

3. Archangel Michael, I call forth for the judgment of Christ upon the military-industrial complex and the corporations who make money on war.

4. Archangel Michael, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the defence industry. I call for the exposure of its political power through job creation, corruption and lobbying.

5. Archangel Michael, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the fallen beings and demons in the three higher octaves who are behind the defence industry. I command you to remove these beings from earth.
6. Archangel Michael, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the war industry and its desire to increase its profits by making more war materials plus more sophisticated and expansive weapons.

7. Archangel Michael, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the fallen beings and demons in the three higher octaves who are behind the war industry and who induce the never-ending desire for greater profits. I command you to remove these beings from earth.

From the book : Help the Ascended Masters STOP WAR, by Kim Michaels

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