dinsdag 20 november 2018

Awaken people to the potential to stop war - by Kim Michaels

I raise my voice and take my stand
A stop to war I do command
No more shall warring scar the earth
A golden age is giving birth

Mother Mary, 
awaken people to the reality that only the power of the ascended masters can consume these vortexes. Only the ascended masters have that power.

Mother Mary, 
awaken the people to the reality that we alone cannot remove war from planet earth. Only by working with the ascended masters can war be removed.

Divine Director, 
awaken people to the need for us to give the ascended masters the authority to act on earth. We only do this by understanding the dynamic of why war was created and how it can continue.

Divine Director, 
awaken people from the illusion that they do not need to look at anything dark or evil. Help them see how to look at darkness without giving it power.

Divine Director, 
awaken people from the tendency that they are willing to look at darkness but are then deceived into reacting with anger. Help them see that wanting to defear the dark forces does give power to the darkness.

Divine Director, 
awaken people to the Middle Way where you look at darkness with non-attachment. You look at darkness in order to make precise calls for the ascended masters to remove it.

Divine Director, 
awaken people to the reality that we do not have to fight darkness. We allow the ascended masters to do the work on your higher vision.

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