woensdag 24 oktober 2018

Golden Age East-West Invocation - shared by Gabriel Phelps

In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miracle Mother, Amen.
(Insert personal prayer here)

God is Father and Mother

God is Father, God is Mother,
never one without the other.
Your balanced union is our source,
your love will keep us on our course. 
You offer us abundant life,
to free us from all sense of strife.
We plunge ourselves into the stream,
awakening from this bad dream.
We see that life is truly one,
and thus our victory is won. 
We have returned unto our God,
on the path the saints have trod.
We form God’s body on the Earth,
and give our planet its rebirth,
into a Golden Age of love,
with ample blessings from Above.
We set all people free to see
that oneness is reality,
and in that oneness we will be
whole for all eternity.
And now the Earth is truly healed,
all life in God’s perfection sealed.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God in each other. 
1. In the name of Jesus Christ, I call to beloved Mary, Mother of Miracles, and beloved Kuan Yin, Mother of Mercy. Teach me the miracle of holding the immaculate concept for myself, for all life and for the Earth. Teach me the miracle of complete surrender to God that I too may say from the bottom of my soul: “Oh Lord, be in unto me according to your will.” 
Hail Michael
Archangel Michael, take command,
God government in every land.
Raise up the torch of Freedom’s Flame,
that all may know the “I AM” name.
Humanity is always free,
one people under God to be.
Archangel Michael, you are here,
to keep our vision always clear.
We form God’s Body here below,
the open door for Grace to flow.
As into action now we spring,
the Golden Age we will to bring.
NOTE: Give these two verses after each numbered paragraph in this section
(Where it says "Hail Michael").
2. Beloved Vairochana, thou radiating one who is like the Sun, eradicate the poison of ultimate ignorance and delusion from my consciousness, my being and my world. Replace it with your All-pervading Wisdom of the Dharmakaya and reveal the ultimate reality that everything sprang from the One God. Lead me to the inner knowing of the unity of all life, the unity of the laws of nature and the unity of myself and God. Help me accept that God will receive me with unconditional love when I turn around and surrender my unwillingness to change and my fear of coming closer to God.
Hail Michael 
3. Oh Vairochana, help me master the realm of consciousness by the power of your transcendent blue light and the magnificent wheel of the law. Help me overcome all tendency to be lukewarm or to be paralyzed by the ignorance that springs from seeing myself separated from God. Fill me with your uncompromising courage that I may conquer all obstacles of ignorance, especially the ultimate illusion of being separated from God. I now see that God is all and in all, and therefore also me and in me.
Hail Michael 
4. I hereby surrender all that stands in the way of the manifestation of God’s miracle in my life. Oh God, I surrender myself completely unto you. Oh God, I withhold nothing from you. Oh God, I give my all to you. 
Hail Michael 
5. Beloved Akshobya, thou immovable, unshakable one, eradicate the poison of anger and hatred from my consciousness, my being and my world. Replace it with your Mirror-like Wisdom that reflects all things calmly and reveals their true nature as being God wearing a disguise. Lead me to the inner knowing that God loves me unconditionally and has never left me. It was only my sense of separation from God that caused me to become angry at God and turn my back upon him. Help me accept that God will receive me with unconditional love when I turn around and surrender my desire to feel that I was right and God was wrong.
Hail Michael 
6. Oh Akshobya, help me master the realm of etheric forms by the power of your transcendent blue light and the magnificent thunderbolt. Fill me with your infinite strength that I may conquer all obstacles of hatred. Help me overcome all tendency to respond to situations with anger. Clear my etheric body from all hatred against myself for making a mistake and all anger against God for exposing my mistake. Fill me with your calmness that I may allow all anger directed at me to be reflected back by the mirror-like surface of the infinite ocean of my soul.
Hail Michael 
7. I surrender my human ego and false sense of identity, and I accept that God consumes it now. Oh God, I am willing to lose my mortal sense of identity to win the immortal life of the Christ consciousness. I call to my Christ self to descend and take command over all aspects of my life and consciousness, and I accept that I am filled with the Light of Christ, now and forever. I accept that my Christ self is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that my life is built upon the rock of Christ.
Hail Michael 
8. Beloved Ratnasambhava, thou who is both born of a jewel and the originator of jewels, eradicate the poison of spiritual and intellectual pride from my consciousness, my being and my world. Replace it with your Wisdom of Equality and reveal that all things are of equal value in the eyes of God because all things are God. Lead me to the inner knowing that I am of infinite value to God and that there are no comparisons in infinity. It was only my sense of separation from God that caused me to compare myself to others and have the need to feel better than others. Help me accept that God will receive me with unconditional love when I turn around and surrender my need to feel better than others, even better than God.
Hail Michael 
9. Oh Ratnasambhava, help me master the realm of sensation by the power of your transcendent golden light and the magnificent wish-fulfilling jewel. Fill me with your swiftness that I may conquer all obstacles of pride. Clear my mental body from all need to compare and to judge myself and others. Fill me with your equanimity that I may see and serve God in all whom I meet, including myself.
Hail Michael

Archangel Michael, take command

1. Archangel Michael, take command,
God government in every land.
God’s power, wisdom and his love
flows to our planet from Above.
Archangel Michael, let your power
rain upon us every hour.
Fill us with God’s Diamond Will,
our destiny we will fulfill.
Mother Earth is now set free,
to manifest her destiny.
As Liberty is in command,
she spreads her light to every land. 

2. Raise up the torch of Freedom’s Flame,
that all may know the “I AM” name.
We keep our course all through the night,
as we are guided by your light.
3. Humanity is always free,
one people under God to be.
Our love for Earth is so intense,
we take our stand in her defense.
4. Archangel Michael, you are here,
to keep our vision always clear.
As we our sacred work begin,
we know God’s kingdom is within.
5. We form God’s Body here below,
the open door for Grace to flow.
Consuming now all patterns old,
the future looks so bright and bold.
6. As into action now we spring,
the Golden Age we will to bring.
We have the vision and the fire
to lift this planet ever higher.
NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.
1. Oh God, I confess that I of my own self can do nothing; it is the I AM presence within me who is the true doer. I accept that I am created in the image and likeness of God. I accept that I am a son/daughter of God. I accept that the Christ is born in me this moment, and I accept that I AM the second coming of Christ in me.
Hail Victorious Christ
Beloved Jesus, you have won,
God has awakened everyone.
No longer can the leaders blind
divide and conquer humankind.
Our eye is single as we see
the truth of Christ that makes us free.
Beloved Jesus, we will be
the Christed ones who keep Earth free.
The torch of Pisces we uphold
Aquarius we now unfold.
Your victory for Earth is won,
the Golden Age has now begun.
NOTE: Give these two verses after each numbered paragraph in this section
(Where it says "Hail Victorious Christ").
2. Beloved Amitabha, thou infinite Light, thou discriminating one, eradicate the poison of cravings, lust and greed from my consciousness, my being and my world. Replace it with your Discriminating Wisdom and reveal the difference between the true desires of God, that can be filled, and the false desires of the human ego, that can never be satisfied. Lead me to the inner knowing that I do not have to let my life be consumed by the never-ending quest to fill the bottomless pit of human desires. It was only my sense of separation from God that caused me to feel that nothing was enough or good enough. Help me accept that God will receive me with unconditional love when I turn around and surrender my unreal desire to prove the ultimate worth of my human ego.

Hail Victorious Christ 
3. Oh Amitabha, help me master the realm of perception by the power of your transcendent rose-colored light and the magnificent lotus jewel. Fill me with your infinite grace that I may conquer all obstacles of unquenchable desires. Clear my emotional body from the feeling that nothing is enough or good enough. Fill me with your ability to see that everything is a finite expression of the infinite God, and therefore even the finite can satisfy the desires of the infinite God.

Hail Victorious Christ 
4. I accept that I am the Living Christ walking the Earth, and therefore I accept and affirm that God can do the works through me that he did through Jesus. I accept and affirm that with God all things are possible. Therefore, I accept the manifestation of the miracle of God in all aspects of my life and consciousness.

Hail Victorious Christ 
5. Beloved Amogasiddhi, thou who always achieves your goal, eradicate the poison of envy and jealousy from my consciousness, my being and my world. Replace it with your All-accomplishing Wisdom of Perfected Action and reveal the ever-present truth that with God all things are possible. Lead me to the inner knowing that I am one with God and therefore God in me can achieve and fulfill all things. It was only my sense of separation from God that caused me to fear that I could not do what I saw others do. This caused me to be trapped in the illusion that God would not love me if I had less or achieved less than others. Help me accept that God will receive me with unconditional love when I turn around and surrender my desire to prove my ultimate worth by having or doing more than anyone else.

Hail Victorious Christ 
6. Oh Amogasiddhi, help me master the realm of making choices by the power of your transcendent green light and the magnificent crossed thunderbolt. Fill me with your uncompromising courage of perfected action that I may conquer all obstacles to the expression of my divine individuality in this life. Clear my physical being from all attachments to the things of this world. Fill me with your absolute knowledge that God loves me as the unique individual I was created to be, and therefore I can feel at peace in being my divine self. I can Be and let Be.

Hail Victorious Christ 
7. I accept the miracle of the overturning of the tables of the false teachers and their false students, those who deny the Christ within themselves and others. Those who will not enter the inner path and who seek to hinder those who are willing to enter the true path. I accept that their day is done and that their citadels of power in church and state are no more. I accept that they have no power on Mother Earth.

Hail Victorious Christ 
8. Beloved Vajrasattva, thou diamond-natured one, eradicate the poison of non-will and non-being from my consciousness, my being and my world. Replace it with your Wisdom of God’s Diamond Will and reveal that the things of this world are transient and can never fulfill my true desire to be a co-creator with God. Lead me to the inner knowing that the Will of God within me gives me the power to conquer my attachments to the things of this world. It was only my sense of separation from God that caused me to fear that God would leave me behind or doubt that God can bring me home. Help me accept that God will receive me with unconditional love whenever I turn around and surrender my unbelief to him.

Hail Victorious Christ 
9. Oh Vajrasattva, help me master the realm of Being, the level of the integration of all five elements of my being, by the power of your diamond light and the magnificent thunderbolt and bell. Fill me with your all-conquering sense of Being in the Will of God. Clear my being from all attachments to the things of this world. Fill me with your infinite love of God that I may be willing to lay down my mortal sense of identity to win the immortal life of being the Christ in action always.

Hail Victorious Christ 

The Living Christ is victorious on Earth
1. Beloved Jesus, you have won,
God has awakened everyone.
The second coming is at hand
as Christed ones now take a stand.
The Living Christ is in me now,
the seal of Christ upon my brow,
The love of Christ is in my heart,
in Jesus’ mission I take part.
The Christ is come again in me,
I shine his light for all to see.
His perfect love consumes all fear,
so all can sense his presence here. 

2. No longer can the leaders blind
divide and conquer humankind.
we follow Christ the inner king
his truth to all we vow to bring.
3. Our eye is single as we see
the truth of Christ that makes us free.
We shout his message from the roof
as we become his living proof.
4. Beloved Jesus, we will be
the Christed ones who keep Earth free.
In defense of life we take a stand,
the second coming is at hand.
5. The torch of Pisces we uphold
Aquarius we now unfold.
We share your love for Saint Germain
he will the Earth with Justice reign.
6. Your victory for Earth is won,
the Golden Age has now begun,
the inner Christ will make all free
in God’s own Presence now to be.
NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.
1. I accept the miracle of the raising of all sons and daughters of God to discover and accept the true, inner path to personal Christhood. I accept the miracle of a mass awakening, and I see people accepting the inner path and bringing about the second coming of Christ and the true Christ Mass.
Hail Mother Light
Hail Mary, we give praise
the Mother Light in all you raise.
The base is of the purest white,
the soul is basking in delight.
The solar center is at peace,
all troubles in the heart now cease.
The throat is shining oh so blue,
the brow emits an emerald hue.
The crown is like a sea of gold,
as thousand petals now unfold.
I feel the Mother’s gentle kiss,
as I am in eternal bliss.
NOTE: Give these two verses after each numbered paragraph in this section
(Where it says "Hail Mother Light").
2. In the name of the Miracle Mother East and West, I call to the Dhyani Buddhas to balance my soul and consume all poisons that I may integrate your divine qualities and be whole as a son or daughter of God. I call to the Dhyani Buddhas to send your angels to cut free and retrieve all fragments of my soul, your souls, that are trapped anywhere in the world of form. I call for the angels of the Buddhas to return all fragments of my soul to me in the eternal now.

Hail Mother Light 
3. I call to the angels of the Miracle Mother East and West, beloved Kuan Yin and beloved Mother Mary, to integrate all soul fragments into my being that I may be whole once again and outpicture the perfect matrix of my unique individuality, given to me by my Father-Mother God at the moment of my soul’s conception in the Light. I accept the full physical manifestation of my wholeness now. In the name of Jesus Christ, it is finished! Amen.

Hail Mother Light 
4. I accept the miracle of God’s kingdom manifest on Earth. I affirm and accept the coming of the ascended Jesus Christ to reign as the spiritual king of Earth, now and forever. I see this done and I hold the immaculate concept for the Earth and all life thereon.

Hail Mother Light 
5. In the name of the Miracle Mother East and West, in the name of Kuan Yin and Mother Mary, I call directly to the heart of the Father-Mother God, beloved Alpha and Omega. I accept this moment that I am your son/daughter. I pour out my infinite gratitude to you for the gift of life, and I see my life as a precious opportunity to outpicture my divine individuality and to express your gift to me in this world.

Hail Mother Light 
6. Beloved Alpha and Omega, I accept that you made me to be a co-creator with you, and I vow to always strive to live up to my highest potential as an individualization of yourself in form. Therefore, I go forth this day with the full knowledge that I have a right to be alive on planet Earth and that I have a right to express my God-given individuality on this planet. I hereby claim my right to help co-create the kingdom of God on planet Earth and I accept it done, now and forever. Amen.

Hail Mother Light 
7. In the name of Jesus Christ, I call to the Miracle Mother East and West, beloved Kuan Yin and beloved Mother Mary, to fill me with your infinite mercy and your unconditional forgiveness. Help all people see that total forgiveness is the only path to total spiritual and material freedom. Fill me with the unconditional love that casts out my fear of letting go of all resentment toward any part of life. I hereby lovingly and willingly surrender all non-forgiveness in my being and extend unconditional, infinite mercy toward myself, all other people and God. I hereby set myself, all life and God free to be who we truly are, and I accept my freedom NOW!

Hail Mother Light 
8. I call to the Miracle Mother East and West to take command over this matter world and consume all that is less than the perfection of God through your Miracle Grace. Raise up your own to be the handmaidens of the Lord and give birth to the Christ consciousness that truly is the open door which no human can shut. Raise up your own substance, matter itself, to outpicture only the perfect thoughtforms of the Christ consciousness.

Hail Mother Light 
9. Beloved Kuan Yin and Mother Mary, bring forth through your mercy and miracle grace the manifestation of a Golden Age that your sons, Jesus and Krishna, may reign as the spiritual kings of Earth and that Saint Joseph, the beloved Saint Germain, may reign as the king of the Age of Aquarius. We express our gratitude for your infinite mercy, your unconditional forgiveness and your all-accomplishing Miracle Grace. We are so grateful to be alive at this cosmic moment to help the Earth turn a new leaf in history and turn into Freedom’s Star to light the Galaxy and bring new hope that God conquers all.

Hail Mother Light

The Mother Light in all is raised

1. Hail Mary, we give praise
the Mother Light in all you raise.
In perfect balance light will stream,
in harmony our souls will gleam.
Oh Mother Mary, we release
all thoughts and feelings less than peace,
releasing now all patterns old,
we leave behind the mortal mold.
River of Life, eternal flow,
we will to live, we will to grow.
We will transcend and be the more,
the joy of life we do adore. 

2. The base is of the purest white,
four petals radiate your light.
The Mother bows in purest love
to God the Father from Above.
3. The soul is basking in delight,
as violet flame is shining bright.
The soul is breathing God’s pure air,
she feels so free in Mother’s care.
4. The solar center is at peace,
as fear and anger we release.
The sacred ten will now unfold
a glow of purple and of gold.
5. All troubles in the heart now cease,
as Mary’s love brings great release.
The rose of twelve in fullest bloom,
the soul is free to meet her groom.
6. The throat is shining oh so blue,
the will of God is always true.
God’s power is released in love
through Christ direction from Above.
7. The brow emits an emerald hue,
Christ’s perfect vision we pursue,
and as we see God’s perfect plan,
we feel God’s love for every man.
8. The crown is like a sea of gold,
as thousand petals now unfold.
We see the Buddha in the crown,
arrayed in his celestial gown.
9. When Mother Light and Buddha meet,
the force of darkness they defeat,
with Jesus and our saint Germain.
they bring the Golden Age again.
10. I feel the Mother’s gentle kiss,
as I am in eternal bliss,
floating in a space sublime,
in harmony with sacred chime.
By Mother Mary’s endless Grace,
we conquer time, we conquer space.
The Buddha Nature is in all
and thus we rise to heed the call
to be the Christed ones on Earth,
the Golden Age is given birth.
NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation.
1. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” Oh God, my Creator, I recognize that you have chosen to manifest yourself as the expanding force of the Father and as the contracting force of the Mother. I recognize that the universe of which I am a part was created from the balanced interaction between these two aspects of your eternal Being.
Hail Freedom Flame
Oh Saint Germain, bring Freedom’s Flame,
you come to Earth in Christ’s own name.
For Christ is Lord and you are king,
as peace and freedom now you bring.
Together you will turn the page
and lead us to the Golden Age.
Oh Saint Germain and Jesus dear,
to you and Mary we draw near.
Together we now bring the light
that makes the Earth a star so bright.
By Michael raised for all to see,
the banner of Christ Victory.
NOTE: Give these two verses after each numbered paragraph in this section
(Where it says "Hail Freedom Flame").
2. Beloved Alpha and Omega, my Father-Mother God, I declare that I am committed to manifesting the perfect balance between the Alpha and Omega aspects of my own being, between my I AM presence Above and my four bodies below. I am willing to come apart from the consciousness of duality, the consciousness of anti-christ, that separates me from my higher self. I am fully aware that the core of my being is the Conscious You, and I choose to nevermore identify myself as a human being who is separated from God. Instead, I affirm my oneness with my Creator and my oneness with all life through Christ. 

Hail Freedom Flame 
3. Beloved Alpha and Omega, I declare that I am committed to manifesting the perfect balance between the Alpha and Omega aspects of my lower being, between the right and left hemispheres of my brain, between my mind and emotions, between my Spirit and body, between my spiritual goals and material responsibilities . I am willing to come apart from the consciousness of duality that keeps me trapped in a sense of lack and prevents me from fulfilling my divine plan . I choose to see beyond all outer imperfections and multiply my talents. I accept that only by giving to life here below can I receive more from God Above. Thus, giving unconditionally, but with Christ discernment, is the master key to the abundant life. 

Hail Freedom Flame 
4. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.” Oh God, I honor the Father element as the drive for growth, the drive for self-transcendence and the drive to be more. I honor the Mother element as the source of all form and I see that my nurturance in this world comes from the Ma-ter light, stirred by the creative force of the Father. Thus it is the Father’s good pleasure to give me the kingdom, and he does so through the nurturance of the Mother. I am nurtured when the Mother light is in harmony with the creative vision of the Father. I am nurtured when there is balance between the expanding and contracting forces of my own being.

Hail Freedom Flame 
5. Beloved Alpha and Omega, I affirm that I am a Guardian of the Mother Light and I affirm the oneness of all life on Earth. I see beyond all outer differences and conflicts, and I see that all people are part of the one Body of God on Earth. I am committed to being a force for unity and harmony and I come apart from the consciousness of separation and conflict that sets brother against brother in a senseless struggle for dualistic supremacy. I declare that this Cain consciousness is no longer acceptable to me, and in the name of Jesus Christ I call for it to be banished from the Earth.

Hail Freedom Flame 
6. Beloved Alpha and Omega, as a Guardian of the Mother Light I declare that th e Cain consciousness and the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East are no longer acceptable to me, and in the name of Jesus Christ I call for it to be banished from the Earth. In the name of Mother Mary, I call forth innumerable angels of Archangel Michaels’ legions to clear up the entire Middle East of all old records of strife, conflict and murder. I call for the entire region to be cleared of all darkness so that it will no longer block the nexus of the figure-ei ght flow between the Eastern and the Western hemispheres. 

Hail Freedom Flame 
7. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” Oh God, I acknowledge that my beginning was the creative force of the Father, who gave me self-awareness and free will. I understand that if I use that free will to accept and uphold imbalance in my being, my opportunity to use the Ma-ter light will eventually come to an end. Yet if I choose to uphold balance, I will continue to self-transcend, and this is eternal life in which I am fully nurtured and made perfect in love.

Hail Freedom Flame 
8. Beloved Alpha and Omega, as a Guardian of the Mother Light I call to the Christ selves of the top ten percent of the people on Earth: “Awaken people to their true identity and their divine plans!” Awaken, inspire and compel people to wake up and take a stand for light, truth and love. Help people see that the top ten percent must come apart from the Cain consciousness and declare that it is no longer acceptable on Earth. In the name of Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin and Saint Germain, I affirm that only the immaculate concept is real and has permanence. Thus, I affirm that the top ten percent of the people see themselves as part of the Body of God on Earth and accept God’s kingdom manifest on this planet. 

Hail Freedom Flame 
9. Beloved Alpha and Omega, as a Guardian of the Mother Light I call for the clearing of the Eastern hemisphere from all misuse of the Father, all misuse of the expanding force in the indifference to life and suffering . Inspire people in the East to attain balance and eradicate poverty and suffering. Beloved Alpha and Omega, I call for the clearing of the Western hemisphere from all misuse of the Mother, all misuse of the contracting force in materialism and lack of spiritual purpose. Inspire people in the West to attain balance and manifest a spiritual approach to life. In the name of Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin and Saint Germain, I affirm that only the immaculate concept is real and has permanence. Thus, I affirm the perfect figure-eight flow of light between the Eastern and the Western hemispheres, restoring perfect balance and bringing God’s kingdom to this planet. 

Hail Freedom Flame

The Earth is sealed in Freedom’s Flame

1. Oh Saint Germain, bring Freedom’s Flame,
you come to Earth in Christ’s own name.
The violet flame is your own plan
to raise the Christ in every man.
Violet flame, let it flow,
saturate all life below,
always flowing, ever growing
upon us all grace bestowing.
Violet fire, penetrate,
violet fire saturate,
violet fire purify,
violet fire sanctify,
we are pure, we are healed,
in your light, we are sealed,
forever free
in God to be. 

2. For Christ is Lord and you are king,
as peace and freedom now you bring.
with Jesus you now point the way
that brings the dawn of a new day.
3. Together you will turn the page
and lead us to the Golden Age.
Where Freedom’s flame will reign supreme,
fulfilling Heavens highest dream.
4. Oh Saint Germain and Jesus dear,
to you and Mary we draw near.
From you above to us below,
we will maintain a constant flow.
5. Together we now bring the light
that makes the Earth a star so bright.
her radiance will shine through space
awakening the I AM race.
6. By Michael raised for all to see,
the banner of Christ Victory.
All darkness is replaced by light,
as all of cosmos shines so bright.
7. Oh Saint Germain, we keep the flame
of freedom burning in your name,
until the Golden Age we see,
an age in which all life is free.
NOTE: Give the entire decree at least one time. You can give it as many times as you like before continuing the invocation. 
 (9X or 33X)

God is Father and Mother

God is Father, God is Mother,
never one without the other.
Your balanced union is our source,
your love will keep us on our course. 
You offer us abundant life,
to free us from all sense of strife.
We plunge ourselves into the stream,
awakening from this bad dream.
We see that life is truly one,
and thus our victory is won. 
We have returned unto our God,
on the path the saints have trod.
We form God’s body on the Earth,
and give our planet its rebirth,
into a Golden Age of love,
with ample blessings from Above.
We set all people free to see
that oneness is reality,
and in that oneness we will be
whole for all eternity.
And now the Earth is truly healed,
all life in God’s perfection sealed.
God is Father, God is Mother,
we see God in each other. 
The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.
 (3X) Amen. 
In the name of the unconditional love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miracle Mother, Amen.
I accept the infinite peace of the Divine Mother East and West. I choose to abide in that peace always, and I accept the perfect love of the Divine Mother. I accept that her love consumes all my fears. I accept that I am the Living Christ in embodiment, and I vow to be all that I am in God and more. I accept that I am sealed in the infinite and everlasting figure-eight flow of Alpha and Omega between my lower being and my I AM Presence.
I accept that all  people are sealed in the infinite peace of the Dhyani Buddhas. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miracle Mother, I seal the Earth in the infinite love and light of the Divine Mother. It is done, it is finished, it is sealed in matter, for the mouth of the Divine Mother East and West has spoken it. Amen. 

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