donderdag 9 augustus 2018

Wise words by Dr Gabriel Cousens, Rabbi & Psychiatrist.

"Gabriel is neither for nor against celibacy as a spiritual practice. As in this case, there may be times when the Kundalini requires one to be celibate as part of the subtle structure reorganizing, and not as a spiritual concept. This is an important point because this one has witnessed many people causing themselves undue angst because of a superimposed practice of motivated celibacy from concept rather than as a natural flow of Kundalini. The ancient Yoga teachings include a need to balance dharma (right living), artha (wealth), kama (pleasure), and moksha (God merging). When kama is disrupted because of unnecessary pleasure deprivation, a certain unbalancing angst may arise that may disrupt and unbalance sadhana (spiritual practice). In order to maximize the unfolding, it is best to let the flow of Kundalini decide and not be stuck in spiritual concepts. The reverse of this celibacy approach is found in Kabbalah. A spiritual couple is to make Love on the Shabbat (Sabbath). However, if the Kundalini says “no,” she needs to be listened to. The path is too mysterious to get caught in concepts."
~ Spiritual Nutrition (pp. 30)

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