vrijdag 29 juni 2018

Wise advice by Dr Gabriel Cousens.

My suggestion is to develop a holistic, community-based, mental health approach addressing all these contributing factors. Violence and murder in the US and the world is a social and moral problem, rather than a gun/knife/bomb/truck-ramming problem. A moral, ethical, spiritual dilemma requires a moral, ethical, spiritual solution. This moral and ethical upgrade needs to start at the very top leadership of our nation and expand to every level of our society and its institutions. There is not a politically expedient, feel-good band-aid that is going to work. It is a moral, ethical, and spiritual self-examination and upgrading on every level of our society that is needed to address and correct this national and international problem, one of whose symptoms are indeed school shootings, stabbings, and attempted bombings.
Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, MD
Holistic Physician
Community Psychiatrist
Holistic Psychiatrist
Family Therapist

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