dinsdag 19 juni 2018

Message by Gabriel.

“It may come as a shock to many, but ‘church growth’ is not God’s goal! The flesh tends to focus on the external things. Its interest is in numbers, membership, size, buildings, indoctrinations, programs, and visible things like that. These are all a part of the old order, the old game plan — which is quickly passing
away. Churches that try to win by these rules will find themselves headed for the locker room in total defeat.
God wants kingdom seekers, not church members. God desires a spiritual house for His habitation, not massive buildings made of brick and mortar. He seeks a bride called by His name, not a harlot called by every other name in the book: Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Charismatic, etc., etc.
He wants a people who are being conformed into His image, not denominational clones. He wants a people walking in humility and holiness, not in spiritual pride and hypocrisy. He wants a people who are led by His
Spirit and living the laid-down life, one body all under one head who is Jesus Christ as Lord and God and King..

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