vrijdag 29 juni 2018

Dr Gabriel Cousens on the problem of satanism in these days. We must investigate it, and fight it.

"Another source of degenerative is youth exposure to violent influence from public satanic ritualistic human sacrifice ceremonies, including public admissions of cannibalism, especially in Hollywood. These evil forces and actions have increased in their public exposure in the US and Europe. The Podesta expose, which involved documentation of pedophilia, possible child sacrifice, and human blood drinking rituals are symptomatic of a general upsurgence of satanic energies both in the US and Europe. We cannot ignore that these now public satanic rituals contribute to and validate the further moral degeneration of society and the lack of restraint publically glorified in Hollywood and Washington, D.C. These undeniable activities are signs of increasing satanic influence in our communities. Doubtless, this upsurge in satanic actions has a significantly adverse effect on our social activities and behavior, including our teenagers (especially teenage boys) acting out these negative evil energies." - Dr Gabriel Cousens.

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