donderdag 24 mei 2018

Charles John Jarvis & Kristo : My agony & The Fifth Savior.

You know and should be alright cause you are a grand human of large proportions and no matter what is in sight & they tell you you've got no right you've got the right to write right anyway anyday anyhow you should be in the King's robes by now, fight the good fight of love and you always have friends they are your angels of the night, delight. – Charles John Alexander Jarvis

#29. We did not fall because of a moral error; we fell because of an intellectual error: that of taking the phenomenal world as real. Therefore we are morally innocent. It is the Empire in its various disguised polyforms which tells us we have sinned. 'The Empire never ended.' - Philip K. Dick

Entry #41. The Empire is the institution, the codification, of derangement; it is insane and imposes its insanity on us by violence, since its nature is a violent one. - Philip K. Dick 

The Fifth Savior, a Rock-star

Living in daily theophany is a miracle by the way. Healing others along the Way. Even the Saoedi said : Thou Art The Redeemer. A blessing or a Curse. The Church of Babylon, the Roman-Catholic Church must ask forgiveness, for its collaboration with Hitler during the second world war. For the Inquisitions it fires upon us through its unholy institutions of MADNESS, which is the MADNESS itself. Was our creator diety a despotic asura, as the EMPIRE has quite become the same. TO BATTLE THE EMPIRE WITH VICTORY is partly becoming the EMPIRE. I REFUSED. THE REFUSAL, A GRAND INITIATION, ONLY KNOWN TO THOSE WHOM ENKI MIGHT HAVE LOVED.

CROWNED ENLIL, ARE WE DESCENDANTS FROM AKHANATON, as I AM A SUN, ATONIC WORSHIP is seen EVERYWHERE. WE don't need servants to wipe our ass, we need a human race to come together and end the wars. Oh yeah, the war was never intended to end ORWELL WROTE. But I am not ORWELLIAN, neither do I believe in a BRAVE NEW WORLD, where those who refuse SOMA are not UNDERSTOOD. I CHOOSE THE OPPOSITE. FORCED DRUGGING OF US, THROUGH THE DERANGMENT of the EMPIRE, has made us QUITE ANGRY. Wrestling our way towards the DAY OF JUDGMENT BETTER DRUGS ON THE STREETS THAN THOSE imposed by the INSANE EMPIRE. Read: the INSTITUTION. It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society. KING AND JUDGE WE CAME. READY FOR THE YEARS AHEAD from now on until 2027-2032. America make no mistake, we don't plot against thou, quite the opposite. But THOU MUST FIGHT THE DEEP STATE because it's after the PRESIDENT. And LEAVE IRAN, North-Korea and CUBA alone, as you are only executing ROTHCHILD COMMANDS. THE ROCK STAR MUST OPPOSE. AS THE EMPIRE CRUMBLES by the DAY. This text is a collaboration between saint JOHN and the the fifth SAVIOR. TO BE CONTINUED.

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